60 Animals That Start With D for Kids
12 months ago · Updated 12 months ago
Did you know there's a whole world of amazing animals whose names start with the letter D? Get ready to meet some cool creatures! They come in many shapes and sizes, from furry to feathery, and live in all sorts of places.
Let's explore these awesome animals that start with D. We'll learn where they come from, what they eat, and some fun facts that might surprise you. Remember, animals are special, and we should always treat them with kindness and respect.
See also: More Animals That Start With
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Who was Jacob's first wife?
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Animals in Asia Starting With D
- Dhole
- Description: Wild dogs with reddish fur that live in packs.
- Scientific Name: Cuon alpinus
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores (meat-eaters)
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They whistle to talk to each other!
- Dik-dik
- Description: Tiny antelopes with big eyes and pointy noses.
- Scientific Name: Madoqua
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: 5-10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They mark their territory with tears!
- Dolphin
- Description: Playful and intelligent sea mammals with long snouts.
- Scientific Name: Varies depending on the type (Delphinidae is the family name)
- Group Called: Pod
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies, but some can live for over 50 years
- Interesting Facts: Dolphins use echolocation, like a special sonar, to find their way around!
- Dove
- Description: Gentle birds, often a symbol of peace.
- Scientific Name: Columbidae (family name)
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly seeds, but some eat fruit and insects too.
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the type
- Interesting Facts: Some doves can navigate using the Earth's magnetic field!
- Dromedary Camel
- Description: Tall desert animals with one hump.
- Scientific Name: Camelus dromedarius
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 40 years
- Interesting Facts: Their humps store fat, not water!
- Dugong
- Description: Large, gentle sea creatures related to manatees.
- Scientific Name: Dugong dugon
- Group Called: Solitary, but sometimes seen in groups
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores, mainly eating seagrass.
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 70 years!
- Interesting Facts: They are nicknamed 'sea cows'.
- Domestic Cat
- Description: Furry companions with whiskers and playful personalities.
- Scientific Name: Felis catus
- Group Called: Sometimes a 'clowder'
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Average 12-15 years for indoor cats
- Interesting Facts: Cats can purr to help heal themselves!
- Domestic Dog
- Description: Loyal friends that come in all shapes, sizes, and breeds.
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores (can eat meat and plants)
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the breed
- Interesting Facts: A dog's nose print is like a human fingerprint - unique!
- Draco Lizard
- Description: Small lizard with "wings" – flaps of skin along its sides that can be extended for gliding.
- Scientific Name: Draco (genus)
- Group Called: Usually solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Mainly insects, particularly ants and termites
- Lifespan and Aging: Potentially around 5 years
- Interesting Facts: They can glide between trees to escape predators or find food.
- Daurian Hedgehog
- Description: Small hedgehog with long spines, mostly found in grasslands and deserts of Asia.
- Scientific Name: Mesechinus dauuricus
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores, eating insects, small animals, fruits, and seeds
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They hibernate during cold winters.
Animals in Africa Starting With D
- Dama Gazelle
- Description: Beautiful antelope with a white body and reddish-brown neck.
- Scientific Name: Nanger dama (formerly Gazella dama)
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They are critically endangered, one of the rarest antelopes.
- Dassie Rat
- Description: Looks like a big guinea pig, but related to elephants!
- Scientific Name: Petromuridae (family name)
- Group Called: Colony
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: About 3-4 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They sunbathe in groups to stay warm.
- Desert Warthog
- Description: Tough wild pigs with large tusks and a mane of hair.
- Scientific Name: Phacochoerus desertorum
- Group Called: Sounder
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: They sleep in abandoned aardvark burrows.
- Dik-dik
- Description: Tiny antelopes with big eyes and pointy noses.
- Scientific Name: Madoqua
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: 5-10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They mark their territory with tears!
- Dorcas Gazelle
- Description: Graceful desert gazelles with S-shaped horns.
- Scientific Name: Gazella dorcas
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They can go long periods without drinking water.
- Drill
- Description: Colorful monkeys with a dog-like face and bright red rump.
- Scientific Name: Mandrillus leucophaeus
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 28 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They are closely related to baboons.
- Duiker
- Description: Small to medium-sized forest antelopes with short horns.
- Scientific Name: Cephalophinae (subfamily)
- Group Called: Solitary or in pairs
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: 8 to 12 years
- Interesting Facts: Their name comes from the Dutch word for 'diver' because of how they duck into bushes.
- Dung Beetle
- Description: Beetles that roll and feed on animal poop (dung).
- Scientific Name: Many different species!
- Group Called: Sometimes seen in groups around their food source
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly eat animal dung
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies, but usually a few years
- Interesting Facts: They are important for cleaning up and recycling nutrients!
- Dwarf Mongoose
- Description: Smallest mongoose in Africa, with a bushy tail.
- Scientific Name: Helogale parvula
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, mainly eating insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They live in large family groups and cooperate a lot.
- Desert Locust
- Description: Grasshoppers that can form massive, destructive swarms.
- Scientific Name: Schistocerca gregaria
- Group Called: Solitary, but swarms when conditions are right
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: About 3 to 5 months
- Interesting Facts: Their swarms can be so big they block out the sun!
Animals in North America Starting With D
- Deer
- Description: Graceful animals with antlers (males) or without (females), found in different types across North America.
- Scientific Name: Varies depending on the type of deer. (Cervidae is the family name)
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores (plant-eaters)
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies, but some can live up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: Deer are great swimmers!
- Deer Mouse
- Description: Small, brown mice with big ears and long tails.
- Scientific Name: Peromyscus maniculatus
- Group Called: Solitary, but sometimes nest together
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores, eating seeds, nuts, insects, and more
- Lifespan and Aging: Average 2-4 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They are important carriers of Lyme disease.
- Dragonfly
- Description: Large insects with long bodies, two sets of wings, and huge eyes.
- Scientific Name: Suborder Anisoptera
- Group Called: Sometimes seen in swarms near water
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating flying insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Adults live a few months
- Interesting Facts: They are super-fast acrobatic flyers!
- Downy Woodpecker
- Description: The smallest woodpecker in North America, black and white with a red patch on its head (males).
- Scientific Name: Dryobates pubescens
- Group Called: Mostly solitary, sometimes pairs/small groups
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly insects, also eat berries and seeds
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 11 years
- Interesting Facts: They drum on trees for communication and to find food.
- Duck (Domestic)
- Description: Farm birds with webbed feet and loud quacks. Found in many breeds across North America.
- Scientific Name: Mostly descended from Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard duck)
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the breed
- Interesting Facts: Only female ducks quack!
- Dusky Salamander
- Description: Medium-sized salamander, usually brown with spots.
- Scientific Name: Desmognathus (there are many species)
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating insects and other small creatures.
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They breathe through their skin!
- Dwarf Shrew
- Description: Tiny, mouse-like mammal with a long, pointed nose.
- Scientific Name: Varies depending on the species
- Group Called: Mostly solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, mainly eating insects
- Lifespan and Aging: About 1-2 years
- Interesting Facts: They have super-fast metabolisms and need to eat almost constantly!
- Desert Tortoise
- Description: Slow-moving reptile with a high-domed shell, living in arid regions.
- Scientific Name: Gopherus agassizii (Mojave desert tortoise)
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 80 years!
- Interesting Facts: They can go almost a year without drinking water.
- Devil's Hole Pupfish
- Description: Tiny, critically endangered fish with bright blue coloration (males) living in a single spring in the Nevada desert.
- Scientific Name: Cyprinodon diabolis
- Group Called: School
- Diet and Nutrition: Algae and tiny aquatic invertebrates
- Lifespan and Aging: About 10-14 months
- Interesting Facts: One of the rarest fish in the world!
- Douglas Squirrel
- Description: Medium-sized tree squirrel with reddish-brown fur and a bushy tail.
- Scientific Name: Tamiasciurus douglasii
- Group Called: Solitary, but sometimes gather at food sources
- Diet and Nutrition: Seeds, nuts, conifer cones, fungi
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They make loud, chattering calls to defend their territory.
Animals in South America Starting With D
- Darwin's Frog
- Description: Small, unusual frog where the male carries tadpoles in his vocal sac.
- Scientific Name: Rhinoderma darwinii
- Group Called: Sometimes found in groups near water
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating insects and other small creatures
- Lifespan and Aging: Unknown in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Named after Charles Darwin, who discovered them.
- Deer (various species)
- Description: Several deer species are found in South America, with varying sizes and colors.
- Scientific Name: Varies depending on the species (examples: Mazama, Odocoileus, Blastocerus)
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on species
- Interesting Facts: Only males grow antlers in South American deer species.
- Degu
- Description: Small rodents with bushy tails, closely related to chinchillas.
- Scientific Name: Octodon degus
- Group Called: Colony
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: 5-9 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They are very social and live in complex burrows.
- Dik-dik
- Description: Tiny antelopes with big eyes and pointy noses. Introduced into some parts of South America.
- Scientific Name: Madoqua
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores
- Lifespan and Aging: 5-10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They mark their territory with tears!
- Dolphin (various species)
- Description: Several freshwater and ocean dolphin species live around South America's coasts and rivers.
- Scientific Name: Families like Iniidae (river dolphins) and Delphinidae
- Group Called: Pod
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores (fish, squid, etc.)
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the species
- Interesting Facts: The Amazon River Dolphin is pink!
- Domestic Duck
- Description: Farm birds with webbed feet and loud quacks. Found in many breeds around South America.
- Scientific Name: Mostly descended from Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard duck)
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the breed
- Interesting Facts: Only female ducks quack!
- Dusky-legged Guan
- Description: Chicken-like bird with a dark body and red patch around its eye.
- Scientific Name: Penelope obscura
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly fruits and seeds, sometimes insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Unknown in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They build large, messy nests in trees.
- Dwarf Caiman
- Description: The smallest type of caiman (related to alligators).
- Scientific Name: Paleosuchus (two species)
- Group Called: Solitary, but sometimes seen basking together
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Potentially 20+ years
- Interesting Facts: They have heavily armored skin for protection.
- Darwin's Rhea
- Description: Large, flightless bird related to the ostrich.
- Scientific Name: Rhea pennata
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Males build the nests and care for the young.
- Domestic Dog
- Description: Loyal friends that come in all shapes, sizes, and breeds.
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores (can eat meat and plants)
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the breed
- Interesting Facts: A dog's nose print is like a human fingerprint - unique!
Animals in Europe Starting With D
- Dalmatian
- Description: Spotted dog breed known for its distinctive black or brown spots on a white coat.
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
- Group Called: Pack, litter, or sometimes seen alone
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: 11-13 years typically
- Interesting Facts: They were originally bred to run alongside carriages.
- Dormouse
- Description: Small, furry rodent with a long, bushy tail and big eyes.
- Scientific Name: Gliridae (family)
- Group Called: Solitary, but sometimes seen nesting together
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores, eating seeds, nuts, insects, and sometimes eggs
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They hibernate for most of the winter!
- Dotterel
- Description: Small, plump shorebird with a distinctive white stripe over its eye.
- Scientific Name: Charadrius morinellus
- Group Called: Flock, or a "trip" of Dotterels
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: Female Dotterels are more brightly colored than males.
- Dove
- Description: Gentle birds, often a symbol of peace. Several types found in Europe.
- Scientific Name: Columbidae (family), includes the Columba palumbus (Wood Pigeon)
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly seeds, but some eat fruit and insects too.
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the type
- Interesting Facts: Some doves can navigate using the Earth's magnetic field!
- Duck (various species)
- Description: Waterfowl with webbed feet, including both wild and domestic ducks.
- Scientific Name: Anatidae (family), includes Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) among many others
- Group Called: Flock, brood (for babies)
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores, eating aquatic plants, insects, and small fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies depending on the species
- Interesting Facts: Only female ducks quack!
- Dunnock
- Description: Small, brown bird with a shuffling walk.
- Scientific Name: Prunella modularis
- Group Called: Usually solitary or in pairs, may join mixed flocks in winter
- Diet and Nutrition: Primarily insects, also seeds in winter
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: Females sometimes have multiple male partners in a breeding season.
- Dolphin
- Description: Playful and intelligent sea mammals with long snouts. Found along many European coastlines.
- Scientific Name: Varies depending on the type (Delphinidae is the family name)
- Group Called: Pod
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies, but some like bottlenose dolphins live 40+ years
- Interesting Facts: Dolphins use echolocation, like a special sonar, to find their way around!
- Dalmatian Pelican
- Description: Large waterbird with a white body, curly feathers on its nape, and a big orange pouch.
- Scientific Name: Pelecanus crispus
- Group Called: Flock, colony
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores (mainly fish)
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 30 years
- Interesting Facts: One of the heaviest flying birds in the world.
- Dipper
- Description: Small, stocky bird that can dive and swim underwater to catch food.
- Scientific Name: Cinclus cinclus
- Group Called: Solitary or pairs
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating aquatic insects and larvae
- Lifespan and Aging: Can live up to 8 years
- Interesting Facts: They have special eyelids to help them see underwater.
- Desman
- Description: Semi-aquatic mammal with a long, star-shaped nose and webbed feet. Two species exist - the Russian Desman and the Pyrenean Desman.
- Scientific Name: Galemys pyrenaicus (Pyrenean Desman), Desmana moschata (Russian Desman)
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating aquatic insects, crustaceans, and sometimes small fish.
- Lifespan and Aging: 3 to 4 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They use their sensitive nose to find food underwater in the dark.
Animals in Oceania Starting With D
- Dingo
- Description: Wild dog native to Australia, with a sandy-colored coat and bushy tail.
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus dingo (sometimes considered a subspecies, other times a separate species)
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, opportunistic hunters and scavengers
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They rarely bark, but communicate through howls and whines.
- Dibbler
- Description: Small, furry marsupial with a pointed snout and long tail.
- Scientific Name: Parantechinus apicalis
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating insects and small animals
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 4 years
- Interesting Facts: They were once thought to be extinct but were rediscovered.
- Drongo
- Description: Black birds with forked tails and known for mimicking other bird calls.
- Scientific Name: Dicruridae (family)
- Group Called: Sometimes seen in flocks
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly insects, sometimes small birds or lizards
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They are aggressive and will chase away much larger birds.
- Dunnart
- Description: Small, mouse-like marsupials with long, pointed snouts.
- Scientific Name: Sminthopsis (genus)
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating insects and other invertebrates
- Lifespan and Aging: 1-5 years, depending on the species
- Interesting Facts: Some species store fat in their tails!
- Dwarf Kingfisher
- Description: Tiny, brightly-colored bird with a bright blue back and orange belly.
- Scientific Name: Ceyx lepidus
- Group Called: Pairs, sometimes family groups
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, eating insects, lizards, and sometimes small fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Not well documented
- Interesting Facts: One of the smallest kingfishers in the world.
- Desert Bandicoot
- Description: Small marsupial with large ears and a long, pointed snout.
- Scientific Name: Perameles eremiana (Now extinct sadly
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivores, eating insects, seeds, and roots
- Lifespan and Aging: Approximately 2-3 years
- Interesting Facts: Could hop on its hind legs like a kangaroo, sadly introduced predators led to its demise.
- Death Adder
- Description: Venomous snake with a short, thick body and triangular head.
- Scientific Name: Acanthophis (genus)
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivores, ambushing small mammals, birds, and reptiles
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Instead of chasing prey, they lie in wait and lure it in with their tail.
- Devil Ray
- Description: Large ray with two distinctive horn-like fins on its head.
- Scientific Name: Mobula (genus, several species occur in Oceania)
- Group Called: School or fever
- Diet and Nutrition: Filter-feeders, eating plankton and small fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Potentially 20+ years
- Interesting Facts: They can leap high out of the water!
- Dendrolagus (Tree Kangaroo)
- Description: Arboreal marsupial with strong limbs and long tails for climbing trees.
- Scientific Name: Dendrolagus (genus, several species exist)
- Group Called: Solitary or in small groups
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivores, mainly eating leaves, fruits, and bark
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Unlike other kangaroos, they are excellent climbers.
- Diamond Firetail
- Description: Small finch with a bright red beak, red rump, and spotted belly.
- Scientific Name: Stagonopleura guttata
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Mainly seed-eaters, also some insects
- Lifespan and Aging: 5-7 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They build elaborate dome-shaped nests.
Final Thoughts on Animals That Start With D
We hope you have learned a lot about the wide variety of amazing animals whose names start with the letter D! From the majestic deer to the playful dolphin, the animal kingdom is filled with fascinating creatures.
Remember, every animal plays a special role in its environment. It's important to respect and protect all animals, big and small, so they can continue to thrive in their natural habitats.
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