60 Animals That Start With E for Kids
12 months ago · Updated 12 months ago
Exploring the animal kingdom reveals a tapestry of life, woven from the threads of diverse species, each unique in its ecology.
Today, we will take you on a journey to discover 60 animals that start with E, showcasing the incredible variety found across different habitats and continents.
From feathered friends to elusive underwater dwellers, the letter "E" encompasses a wide range of animals, each with its stories and secrets. Let's dive into this alphabetical adventure and meet some of the Earth's most remarkable creatures.
See also: More Animals That Start With
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Animals in Asia Starting with E
Eurasian Wolf
- Description: A subspecies of grey wolf native to Europe and Asia.
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus lupus
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: 6-8 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They have highly social behaviors and complex communication methods.
- Description: A family of water beetles known as riffle beetles.
- Scientific Name: Elmidae
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore, detritivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies
- Interesting Facts: They are important indicators of water quality in freshwater ecosystems.
Eastern Gorilla
- Description: The largest species of gorilla and the largest living primate.
- Scientific Name: Gorilla beringei
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Primarily herbivorous
- Lifespan and Aging: Around 35-40 years
- Interesting Facts: There are two subspecies; the mountain gorilla and the eastern lowland gorilla.
Eurasian Lynx
- Description: A medium-sized cat native to Siberia, Europe, and Central Asia.
- Scientific Name: Lynx lynx
- Group Called: Solitude (typically solitary)
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 17 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They possess a keen vision, which helps them hunt even in dim light.
Emperor Tamarin
- Description: A small monkey known for its striking mustache similar to that of a German emperor.
- Scientific Name: Saguinus imperator
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Around 15-20 years
- Interesting Facts: Despite their name, they are found in the Amazon Basin, not Europe or Asia.
Eastern Quoll
- Description: A medium-sized carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania.
- Scientific Name: Dasyurus viverrinus
- Group Called: Not specified
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years
- Interesting Facts: They were once also found in mainland Australia but are now considered extinct there.
Edible Dormouse
- Description: A gliding rodent found across Europe.
- Scientific Name: Glis glis
- Group Called: Nest
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 9 years
- Interesting Facts: Named for being a delicacy in ancient Rome.
Elephant Shrew
- Description: A small insectivorous mammal with a long nose, resembling an elephant’s trunk.
- Scientific Name: Order Macroscelidea
- Group Called: Solitude (mostly solitary)
- Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
- Lifespan and Aging: 2-4 years
- Interesting Facts: They are not related to shrews but have a distant relation to elephants.
Egyptian Mau
- Description: One of the few naturally spotted breeds of domestic cat.
- Scientific Name: Felis catus
- Group Called: Clowder
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: 12-15 years
- Interesting Facts: The breed is known for its extremely fast running speed.
Eurasian Magpie
- Description: A bird known for its intelligence and complex social structure.
- Scientific Name: Pica pica
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 9 years
- Interesting Facts: Studies show they can recognize themselves in mirrors.
Animals in Africa Starting with E
- Description: The largest land mammal on Earth, known for its intelligence and complex emotions.
- Scientific Name: Loxodonta africana
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 60-70 years
- Interesting Facts: Elephants have exceptional memory and can mourn their dead.
- Description: The largest antelope species found in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Scientific Name: Taurotragus oryx
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15-20 years
- Interesting Facts: Elands are capable of jumping up to 3 meters high from a standstill.
Emperor Scorpion
- Description: One of the largest scorpions in the world, native to West Africa.
- Scientific Name: Pandinus imperator
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: 6-8 years
- Interesting Facts: Despite their intimidating size, their venom is relatively mild to humans.
Eastern Grey Squirrel
- Description: A small, agile tree-dwelling rodent known for its bushy tail.
- Scientific Name: Sciurus carolinensis
- Group Called: Dray or Scurry
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12 years
- Interesting Facts: Not native to Africa, but introduced populations flourish in South Africa.
Egyptian Cobra
- Description: One of Africa’s largest and most venomous cobra species.
- Scientific Name: Naja haje
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: The Egyptian cobra was revered in Egyptian mythology as a symbol of protection.
Egyptian Goose
- Description: A member of the duck, goose, and swan family Anatidae native to Africa.
- Scientific Name: Alopochen aegyptiaca
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it is more closely related to shelducks than geese.
Egyptian Vulture
- Description: A small Old World vulture known for its distinctive white plumage and yellow face.
- Scientific Name: Neophron percnopterus
- Group Called: Wake
- Diet and Nutrition: Scavenger
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 21 years
- Interesting Facts: They use tools, such as stones to break open eggs.
Eastern Black Rhinoceros
- Description: A critically endangered subspecies of the black rhinoceros.
- Scientific Name: Diceros bicornis michaeli
- Group Called: Crash
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 35-50 years
- Interesting Facts: They have a pointed, prehensile upper lip for feeding on trees and bushes.
Eastern Lowland Gorilla
- Description: The largest of the four gorilla subspecies.
- Scientific Name: Gorilla beringei graueri
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Primarily herbivorous
- Lifespan and Aging: Around 35-40 years
- Interesting Facts: They live in dense forests and are critically endangered due to habitat destruction and poaching.
Erckel's Francolin
- Description: A species of francolin bird found in the Horn of Africa.
- Scientific Name: Pternistis erckelii
- Group Called: Covey
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Not specified
- Interesting Facts: They are known for their loud and distinctive calls.
Animals in North America Starting with E
Eastern Chipmunk
- Description: A small, striped rodent of the squirrel family native to North America.
- Scientific Name: Tamias striatus
- Group Called: Not specified
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 3 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They have cheek pouches they use to transport food to their burrows.
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
- Description: A widespread and common species of rabbit found in North America.
- Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 3 years
- Interesting Facts: They are known for their distinctive hopping gait and ability to breed prolifically.
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
- Description: The largest rattlesnake species, known for its striking diamond pattern.
- Scientific Name: Crotalus adamanteus
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They have a highly potent venom that makes them one of North America's most dangerous snakes.
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
- Description: A large marsupial known for its boxing abilities and long powerful tail.
- Scientific Name: Macropus giganteus
- Group Called: Mob or Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: Despite being native to Australia, introduced populations exist in parts of North America.
Eastern Bluebird
- Description: A small North American songbird with a bright blue back and rusty-throat.
- Scientific Name: Sialia sialis
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: 6-10 years
- Interesting Facts: They are known for their beautiful songs and vibrant colors.
Eastern Mole
- Description: A small, burrowing mammal native to the United States.
- Scientific Name: Scalopus aquaticus
- Group Called: Solitude (typically solitary)
- Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 6 years
- Interesting Facts: They are highly adapted for a subterranean lifestyle, with large digging claws and nearly invisible eyes and ears.
Eastern Spadefoot Toad
- Description: A species of American spadefoot toad known for its explosive breeding events.
- Scientific Name: Scaphiopus holbrookii
- Group Called: Knot
- Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12 years
- Interesting Facts: They get their name from the spade-like projections on their hind legs, which they use for digging.
Eastern Hellbender
- Description: One of the largest species of salamanders in North America.
- Scientific Name: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
- Group Called: Not specified
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 30 years
- Interesting Facts: They are entirely aquatic and have skin folds that increase their surface area for oxygen absorption.
Eastern Screech Owl
- Description: A small owl species found in eastern North America.
- Scientific Name: Megascops asio
- Group Called: Parliament
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years
- Interesting Facts: They have two color morphs, red or gray, that provide camouflage against tree bark.
Eastern Fox Squirrel
- Description: The largest species of tree squirrel native to the eastern and central United States.
- Scientific Name: Sciurus niger
- Group Called: Scurry or Dray
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 18 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They have a diverse diet and can live in a variety of woodland and urban habitats.
Animals in South America Starting with E
Emperor Tamarin
- Description: A small monkey known for its striking mustache, similar to that of a German emperor.
- Scientific Name: Saguinus imperator
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Around 15-20 years
- Interesting Facts: They are named after the German Emperor Wilhelm II who had a similar mustache.
Electric Eel
- Description: A South American electric fish known for its ability to generate potent electric shocks.
- Scientific Name: Electrophorus electricus
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: They use their electric shock to stun prey and deter predators.
Eyelash Viper
- Description: A small, venomous tree snake known for the distinctive scales above its eyes, resembling eyelashes.
- Scientific Name: Bothriechis schlegelii
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They come in a variety of colors, including bright yellow and green.
Emerald Toucanet
- Description: A small, brightly colored bird native to the mountainous regions of South America.
- Scientific Name: Aulacorhynchus prasinus
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: Known for its vibrant green plumage and distinctive bill.
Emerald Tree Boa
- Description: A non-venomous boa species known for its striking green color, found in the rainforests of South America.
- Scientific Name: Corallus caninus
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They have heat-sensing pits to detect warm-blooded prey in the darkness of the night.
Eastern Patas Monkey
- Description: A terrestrial monkey known for its speed, it is considered the fastest primate.
- Scientific Name: Erythrocebus patas
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: While primarily residing in Africa, some can be found due to introduction in South America.
Epauletted Fruit Bat
- Description: A species of bat known for the white patches on its shoulders, resembling epaulettes.
- Scientific Name: Epomophorus gambianus
- Group Called: Colony or Cloud
- Diet and Nutrition: Frugivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They play a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal in their ecosystems.
Esmeraldas Woodstar
- Description: A tiny hummingbird endemic to the Chocó region in South America.
- Scientific Name: Chaetocercus berlepschi
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Nectarivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Not specified
- Interesting Facts: One of the smallest birds, noted for its sparkling green feathers.
Eastern Lowland Olingo
- Description: A small tree-dwelling mammal related to raccoons, known for its nocturnal habits.
- Scientific Name: Bassaricyon alleni
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Under research
- Interesting Facts: They have a prehensile tail which they use to grip branches as they move through trees.
Eyra Cat
- Description: A wild cat native to Central and South America, known for its reddish coat.
- Scientific Name: Herpailurus yagouaroundi
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 13 years
- Interesting Facts: Unlike many other cats, eyra cats are as active during the day as they are at night.
Animals in Europe Starting with E
European Badger
- Description: A social, burrowing animal known for its striking black and white face markings.
- Scientific Name: Meles meles
- Group Called: Cete
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years
- Interesting Facts: They construct extensive tunnel systems called setts, which they may use for generations.
European Bison
- Description: The largest herbivore in Europe, also known as the wisent.
- Scientific Name: Bison bonasus
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They were brought back from the brink of extinction through conservation efforts.
European Starling
- Description: A highly social bird known for its shiny, speckled plumage.
- Scientific Name: Sturnus vulgaris
- Group Called: Murmuration
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Known for their incredible aerial displays or murmurations.
European Hare
- Description: A fast-moving mammal known for its long ears and powerful hind legs.
- Scientific Name: Lepus europaeus
- Group Called: Down
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12 years
- Interesting Facts: Capable of reaching speeds up to 70 km/h (43 mph).
European Hedgehog
- Description: A small, nocturnal mammal known for its spiny coat.
- Scientific Name: Erinaceus europaeus
- Group Called: Array
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They curl into a ball when threatened, using their spines as protection.
European Adder
- Description: A venomous snake known for the distinctive zig-zag pattern along its back.
- Scientific Name: Vipera berus
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: It is the only venomous snake native to the UK.
European Green Woodpecker
- Description: A bright green bird known for its loud call and ant diet.
- Scientific Name: Picus viridis
- Group Called: Descent
- Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They have a long tongue to extract ants from their nests.
European Otter
- Description: A semiaquatic mammal known for its thick fur and playful nature.
- Scientific Name: Lutra lutra
- Group Called: Romp
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 16 years
- Interesting Facts: They are excellent swimmers and can close their nostrils underwater.
European Mole
- Description: A small, burrowing mammal known for its velvety fur and spade-like paws.
- Scientific Name: Talpa europaea
- Group Called: Labour
- Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 3 years
- Interesting Facts: Despite their poor eyesight, they have highly sensitive snouts that detect prey vibrations.
European Wildcat
- Description: A wild cat species that resembles domesticated cats but with a bulkier build.
- Scientific Name: Felis silvestris
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: They are the ancestors of domesticated cats.
Animals in Oceania Starting with E
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
- Description: A large marsupial characterized by its muscular tail and distinctive hopping movement.
- Scientific Name: Macropus giganteus
- Group Called: Mob
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They can jump very long distances and are capable swimmers.
Eastern Quoll
- Description: A carnivorous marsupial known for its nocturnal habits and spotted fur.
- Scientific Name: Dasyurus viverrinus
- Group Called: Not specified
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years
- Interesting Facts: They play an important role in controlling pest populations.
- Description: The second-largest bird by height, known for its fluffy feathers and inability to fly.
- Scientific Name: Dromaius novaehollandiae
- Group Called: Mob or Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: They can run at speeds of up to 48 km/h (30 mph).
- Description: A small, egg-laying mammal known for its spines and long tongue.
- Scientific Name: Tachyglossidae
- Group Called: Not applicable
- Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 50 years
- Interesting Facts: They are one of the only two mammals (with the platypus) that lay eggs.
Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard
- Description: A reptile characterized by its large blue tongue, used to ward off predators.
- Scientific Name: Tiliqua scincoides
- Group Called: Lounge
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
- Interesting Facts: Their vivid blue tongue can startle predators, giving them a chance to escape.
Eastern Rosella
- Description: A colorful parrot with vibrant red and blue plumage.
- Scientific Name: Platycercus eximius
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: Known for their beautiful calls and striking appearance.
Estuarine Crocodile
- Description: The world’s largest living crocodile, also known as the saltwater crocodile.
- Scientific Name: Crocodylus porosus
- Group Called: Bask or Float
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 70 years
- Interesting Facts: They are capable of traveling long distances by sea.
Eastern Spinebill
- Description: A small bird with a long, curved beak, adapted for extracting nectar from flowers.
- Scientific Name: Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
- Group Called: Flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Nectarivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Not specified
- Interesting Facts: They can hover in mid-air like hummingbirds.
Eastern Long-necked Turtle
- Description: A freshwater turtle known for its long, snake-like neck.
- Scientific Name: Chelodina longicollis
- Group Called: Bale
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 50 years
- Interesting Facts: They excrete a foul-smelling fluid when threatened.
Eastern Reef Egret
- Description: A medium-sized heron known for its two color morphs – dark grey and white.
- Scientific Name: Egretta sacra
- Group Called: Colony
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 22 years
- Interesting Facts: They hunt by standing still at the water’s edge and waiting for prey.
Final Thoughts on Animals That Start With E
We hope you have learned something new and fascinating about the diverse range of animals that begin with the letter "E." From the elusive echidna of Oceania to the elegant European Hedgehog, each animal contributes uniquely to the tapestry of life on Earth.
Their intriguing habits, distinctive features, and the roles they play in their respective ecosystems serve as a reminder of the complexity and beauty of the natural world. Let's continue to explore and appreciate the incredible biodiversity that surrounds us every day.
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