60 Animals That Start With F for Kids

Animals That Start With F 2


The animal kingdom is full of fascinating creatures, and it's always a joy to discover the variety that each letter of the alphabet brings to the table. Today, we're focusing on a particular letter that might not get all the limelight but sure does have its share of intriguing animals.

For animal lovers, we will be sharing with you the world of animals that start with F across multiple continents. From furry critters to fabulous fliers, get ready to meet some of the most fascinating members of the animal kingdom.

See also: More Animals That Start With

Table of Contents

Animals in Asia Starting with F

Animals That Start With F

Fishing Cat

  • Description: A medium-sized wild cat known for its fishing skills.
  • Scientific Name: Prionailurus viverrinus
  • Group Called: Clowder
  • Diet and Nutrition: Mainly fish, but occasionally small mammals and birds
  • Lifespan and Aging: Around 10-12 years
  • Interesting Facts: They have partially webbed feet which help them in swimming.

Fennec Fox

  • Description: A small nocturnal fox with distinctive large ears.
  • Scientific Name: Vulpes zerda
  • Group Called: Skulk or leash
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats insects, plants, and small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Their large ears help dissipate heat and locate prey underground.

Flying Fox

  • Description: Large species of bat with a fox-like face.
  • Scientific Name: Pteropus
  • Group Called: A colony or cloud
  • Diet and Nutrition: Mainly fruit, nectar, and flowers
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
  • Interesting Facts: Despite their name, they cannot echolocate and rely on sight and smell for navigation.

Fire-Bellied Toad

  • Description: Small, brightly colored toad with a distinctive fire-red belly.
  • Scientific Name: Bombina
  • Group Called: Knot
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insects, worms, and small invertebrates
  • Lifespan and Aging: Around 12-15 years
  • Interesting Facts: They have slightly toxic skin which protects them from predators.

Fulvous Whistling Duck

  • Description: A medium-sized duck known for its whistling calls.
  • Scientific Name: Dendrocygna bicolor
  • Group Called: Flock or plump
  • Diet and Nutrition: Seeds, grains, and aquatic plants
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are highly sociable and often found in large flocks.

Formosan Clouded Leopard

  • Description: A recently recognized, extinct species of big cat known for its beautiful coat.
  • Scientific Name: Neofelis nebulosa brachyura
  • Group Called: Leap
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous; mainly deer and smaller mammals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 11 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: It was native to Taiwan and considered sacred by local tribes.

False Gharial

  • Description: A large crocodile with a slender snout.
  • Scientific Name: Tomistoma schlegelii
  • Group Called: Bask or float
  • Diet and Nutrition: Fish, small mammals, and occasionally birds
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 70 years
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it is not closely related to true gharials.

Fruit Bat

  • Description: A broad term for bats that primarily feed on fruit.
  • Scientific Name: Megachiroptera
  • Group Called: Colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Fruits, nectar, and flowers
  • Lifespan and Aging: 15-30 years, depending on species
  • Interesting Facts: They play a vital role in seed dispersal and pollination.

Fea's Muntjac

  • Description: A small deer known for its shy nature.
  • Scientific Name: Muntiacus feae
  • Group Called: Herd
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats shoots, leaves, and occasional small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Around 10-13 years
  • Interesting Facts: They have a distinct bark, used as a warning signal.

Forest Cobra

  • Description: A large, highly venomous snake found in African forests.
  • Scientific Name: Naja melanoleuca
  • Group Called: Quiver
  • Diet and Nutrition: Small mammals, birds, and other snakes
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: It is the largest cobra species, known for its potent venom.

Animals in Africa Starting with F


  • Description: Tall, pink birds known for their long legs and distinctive bent beaks.
  • Scientific Name: Phoenicopterus
  • Group Called: Flamboyance
  • Diet and Nutrition: Algae, crustaceans, and aquatic invertebrates
  • Lifespan and Aging: 20-30 years
  • Interesting Facts: Their pink color comes from the carotenoid pigments in their diet.


  • Description: A predator resembling a small cougar, it's the largest carnivorous mammal on Madagascar.
  • Scientific Name: Cryptoprocta ferox
  • Group Called: Solitary
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous; mainly lemurs and other small mammals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Despite appearances, it is more closely related to mongooses.
See also  60 Animals That Start With D for Kids

Four-toed Hedgehog

  • Description: A small, spiny mammal known for rolling into a ball when threatened.
  • Scientific Name: Atelerix albiventris
  • Group Called: Array
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; insects, fruits, and vegetables
  • Lifespan and Aging: 4-6 years
  • Interesting Facts: They have a natural immunity to certain snake venoms.

Fennec Fox

  • Description: The smallest fox in the world, noted for its large ears.
  • Scientific Name: Vulpes zerda
  • Group Called: Skulk
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats insects, plants, and small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years
  • Interesting Facts: Its ears can radiate body heat, helping it stay cool.

Flat-backed Spider Tortoise

  • Description: A small, rare tortoise with a distinctive flat shell.
  • Scientific Name: Pyxis planicauda
  • Group Called: Creep
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous; mainly grasses and fruits
  • Lifespan and Aging: 70-90 years
  • Interesting Facts: It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and the pet trade.

Flying Squirrel

  • Description: Small rodent with a unique gliding ability.
  • Scientific Name: Pteromyini or Glaucomyini
  • Group Called: Dray or scurry
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats fruits, nuts, and occasionally insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: 4-5 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They don't actually fly but glide using a membrane between their legs.

Forest Buffalo

  • Description: A smaller, reddish subspecies of the African buffalo.
  • Scientific Name: Syncerus caffer nanus
  • Group Called: Herd
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous; mainly grasses
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are more easily tamed than their larger cousins.

Fire-bellied Woodpecker

  • Description: A vibrant species of woodpecker known for its colorful plumage.
  • Scientific Name: N/A
  • Group Called: Descent
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insects, fruits, and tree sap
  • Lifespan and Aging: 5-11 years
  • Interesting Facts: They communicate through distinct drumming patterns on tree trunks.

Fin Whale

  • Description: The second-largest whale species, known for its speed.
  • Scientific Name: Balaenoptera physalus
  • Group Called: Pod
  • Diet and Nutrition: Krill, small fish, and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 90 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are known as the "greyhounds of the sea" for their slender shape and speed.

Frilled Lizard

  • Description: A unique lizard known for the frill around its neck.
  • Scientific Name: Chlamydosaurus kingii
  • Group Called: Lounge
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insects and small vertebrates
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
  • Interesting Facts: When threatened, it opens its mouth and spreads its frill to appear larger.

Animals in North America Starting with F

Florida Panther

  • Description: A rare subspecies of cougar found in the swamps and forests of Florida.
  • Scientific Name: Puma concolor coryi
  • Group Called: Solitary
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous; deer, wild hogs, and small mammals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: It is one of the most endangered mammals in the US.

Fox Squirrel

  • Description: The largest species of tree squirrel in North America.
  • Scientific Name: Sciurus niger
  • Group Called: Dray or scurry
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; nuts, fruits, seeds, and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: 18 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Their nests are often found in tree cavities or in large nests.


  • Description: A medium-sized mammal closely related to the weasel.
  • Scientific Name: Pekania pennanti
  • Group Called: Chain
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous; squirrels, rabbits, and occasionally porcupines
  • Lifespan and Aging: 7-10 years
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it rarely eats fish.

Florida Black Bear

  • Description: The largest native land mammal in Florida.
  • Scientific Name: Ursus americanus floridanus
  • Group Called: Sleuth or sloth
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They are excellent climbers and often seek refuge in trees.

Ferruginous Hawk

  • Description: The largest North American hawk, known for its rusty back.
  • Scientific Name: Buteo regalis
  • Group Called: Kettle (in flight)
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous; mainly small mammals and birds
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They mate for life and return to the same nesting area each year.

Field Sparrow

  • Description: A small, unassuming bird with a distinctive pink bill.
  • Scientific Name: Spizella pusilla
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Mainly seeds and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Their song is a clear series of notes increasing in speed.

Flying Leopard Frog

  • Description: A term for frogs that can glide from tree to tree.
  • Scientific Name: Rhacophorus pardalis
  • Group Called: Army
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insects and other small invertebrates
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 4 years
  • Interesting Facts: They use their large webbed feet to glide through the air.

Four-eyed Opossum

  • Description: A small marsupial known for the two white spots above its eyes.
  • Scientific Name: Philander opossum
  • Group Called: Passel
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats fruits, small animals, and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 3 years
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it does not actually have four eyes.
See also  30 Animals That Start With A for Kids

Fox Sparrow

  • Description: A large, colorful sparrow with a bouncy, foxtrot-like song.
  • Scientific Name: Passerella iliaca
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Seeds, insects, and fruits
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 7 years
  • Interesting Facts: They kick back leaves on the ground to uncover food.


  • Description: Large seabird known for its massive wingspan and forked tail.
  • Scientific Name: Fregatidae
  • Group Called: Fleet
  • Diet and Nutrition: Mainly fish and squid, obtained by skimming the water surface
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 35 years
  • Interesting Facts: Males have a striking red throat pouch they inflate to attract females.

Animals in South America Starting with F

Animals That Start With F 3


  • Description: A highly venomous snake found in tropical regions.
  • Scientific Name: Bothrops asper
  • Group Called: Pit
  • Diet and Nutrition: Small mammals, birds, and amphibians
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: It is one of the most feared snakes due to its aggression and potent venom.

Folivorous Monkey

  • Description: A catch-all term for monkeys that primarily eat leaves.
  • Scientific Name: Varied
  • Group Called: Troop
  • Diet and Nutrition: Leaves, fruits, and flowers
  • Lifespan and Aging: Varies by species
  • Interesting Facts: Their complex stomachs help them digest tough plant matter.

Fire Ant

  • Description: A small, aggressive ant known for its painful sting.
  • Scientific Name: Solenopsis invicta
  • Group Called: Colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats plants, insects, and small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 6 weeks for workers, several years for queens
  • Interesting Facts: They can form living rafts to survive floods.

Fur Seal

  • Description: A type of seal known for its thick fur, used historically for clothing.
  • Scientific Name: Arctocephalus
  • Group Called: Colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Fish and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Though called seals, they are more closely related to sea lions.

Fantail Warbler

  • Description: A small, attractive bird known for its fan-shaped tail.
  • Scientific Name: Cisticola juncidis
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years
  • Interesting Facts: They perform acrobatic flights to catch insects in mid-air.

False Vampire Bat

  • Description: The largest bat species in the New World, known for its imposing size.
  • Scientific Name: Vampyrum spectrum
  • Group Called: Colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous; eats fruits, smaller bats, and occasionally birds
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it does not feed on blood.


  • Description: A type of woodpecker known for its bright, flickering flight patterns.
  • Scientific Name: Colaptes
  • Group Called: Descent
  • Diet and Nutrition: Ants and beetles, also fruits
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 9 years
  • Interesting Facts: They have a distinctive laughing call that echos through the forests.


  • Description: A critically endangered species of bustard known for its spectacular mating dance.
  • Scientific Name: Houbaropsis bengalensis
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insects, seeds, and plants
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Males inflate their throats and leap into the air to attract females.

Franciscana Dolphin

  • Description: A small, rare freshwater dolphin found in South America.
  • Scientific Name: Pontoporia blainvillei
  • Group Called: Pod
  • Diet and Nutrition: Fish and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: It is one of the world's most endangered dolphins due to habitat degradation.

Fiery-billed Aracari

  • Description: A colorful, tropical bird related to the toucan.
  • Scientific Name: Pteroglossus frantzii
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Fruits, insects, and small birds
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Its vibrant beak is almost as long as its body.

Animals in Europe Starting with F

Fallow Deer

  • Description: A medium-sized deer known for its beautiful variably colored coat and palmate antlers.
  • Scientific Name: Dama dama
  • Group Called: A herd
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore, mainly grass, leaves, and herbs
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 16 years
  • Interesting Facts: They have a distinctive spotted coat in summer.

Fire Salamander

  • Description: A brightly colored amphibian, often black with yellow markings.
  • Scientific Name: Salamandra salamandra
  • Group Called: Congress
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly insects and worms
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are capable of regenerating lost limbs.


  • Description: A member of the thrush family, known for its distinctive gray head and chestnut back.
  • Scientific Name: Turdus pilaris
  • Group Called: A flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, fruits, and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
  • Interesting Facts: They often form large flocks in winter.

Fox Squirrel

  • Description: While primarily found in North America, has been introduced in some parts of Europe. Known for its large size and bushy tail.
  • Scientific Name: Sciurus niger
  • Group Called: A scurry or dray
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 18 years
  • Interesting Facts: They use their tails as a blanket and a signal flag.


  • Description: Though primarily marine birds, they can sometimes be spotted in the warmer coastal areas of Southern Europe.
  • Scientific Name: Fregata
  • Group Called: A fleet
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, fish, and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 35 years
  • Interesting Facts: Males have a distinctive red gular pouch which they inflate to attract mates.
See also  60 Animals That Start With I for Kids

Frosted Green

  • Description: A striking green moth, found in woodlands and grassy habitats across Europe.
  • Scientific Name: Polyploca ridens
  • Group Called: Flutter
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore, mainly on oak leaves
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 1 year
  • Interesting Facts: Named for the frosty white patches on its wings.


  • Description: A domesticated form of the European polecat, often kept as a pet.
  • Scientific Name: Mustela putorius furo
  • Group Called: A business
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8 years
  • Interesting Facts: Ferrets have a playful and inquisitive nature.

Fire-Bellied Newt

  • Description: Brightly colored amphibians with a distinctive fiery belly, found near ponds and streams.
  • Scientific Name: Cynops orientalis
  • Group Called: A band
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, insects, and worms
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
  • Interesting Facts: Their bright color warns predators of their toxicity.

Field Mouse

  • Description: A common rodent seen throughout Europe, known for its brown fur and large eyes.
  • Scientific Name: Apodemus sylvaticus
  • Group Called: A horde
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, seeds, nuts, and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 2 years
  • Interesting Facts: Often confused with house mice, but prefer outdoor habitats.


  • Description: A flat fish found in European coastal waters, known for its ability to camouflage.
  • Scientific Name: Platichthys flesus
  • Group Called: A school
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, fish, and small sea creatures
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: They can change color and pattern to match their surroundings.

Animals in Oceania Starting with F

Animals That Start With F 2

Fiordland Penguin

  • Description: A rare species of penguin found in New Zealand, known for its loud call.
  • Scientific Name: Eudyptes pachyrhynchus
  • Group Called: A colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, fish, and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
  • Interesting Facts: They nest in dense forests, far from the shore.


  • Description: A small, friendly bird known for its fan-shaped tail and quick movements.
  • Scientific Name: Rhipidura fuliginosa
  • Group Called: A flight
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 9 years
  • Interesting Facts: They perform acrobatic flights to catch insects.

Fur Seal

  • Description: A type of pinniped found in the waters around Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica.
  • Scientific Name: Arctocephalus forsteri
  • Group Called: A harem
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly fish and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Males can be five times heavier than females.

Fiddler Ray

  • Description: Also known as the banjo shark, found along the coastlines of Australia.
  • Scientific Name: Trygonorrhina dumerilii
  • Group Called: Fever
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, crustaceans, and fish
  • Lifespan and Aging: Information not widely available
  • Interesting Facts: They got their name due to the fiddle-like shape.

Feathertail Glider

  • Description: The world's smallest gliding mammal, found in eastern Australia.
  • Scientific Name: Acrobates pygmaeus
  • Group Called: A colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, including nectar and insects
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years
  • Interesting Facts: They can glide up to 20 meters.

Flame Robin

  • Description: A small bird with a striking flame-colored breast, native to Australia.
  • Scientific Name: Petroica phoenicea
  • Group Called: A flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years
  • Interesting Facts: Males are more brightly colored than females.

Frilled Shark

  • Description: A rare, deep-sea shark known for its eel-like body and frilly gills.
  • Scientific Name: Chlamydoselachus anguineus
  • Group Called: Solitary
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, squid, and fish
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25 years
  • Interesting Facts: It's often called a "living fossil" due to its ancient lineage.


  • Description: A bird with a large, flattened beak and cryptic camouflage, found in the forests of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
  • Scientific Name: Podargus strigoides
  • Group Called: Solitary or pair
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, insects, and small animals
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are named for their wide, frog-like mouth.

Fairy Penguin

  • Description: Also known as the little penguin, the smallest species of penguin found in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Scientific Name: Eudyptula minor
  • Group Called: A waddle
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, fish, and squid
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 6 years
  • Interesting Facts: They return to the same nesting areas each year.

Flying Fox

  • Description: Large bats found in the forests and woodlands of Australia and the Pacific islands.
  • Scientific Name: Pteropus
  • Group Called: A colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Frugivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are crucial for pollination and seed dispersal.

Final Thoughts on Animals That Start With F

We hope you have learned some fun and interesting facts about the wide variety of animals whose names begin with the letter "F". From the well-known like the Flamingo to the more obscure like the Fujian Bamboo Bat, it's clear that nature is full of surprises.

It's amazing to see how diverse the animal kingdom is, even within a small subset based on the first letter of their names. We hope this list has sparked curiosity and wonder about the fascinating creatures we share our planet with.

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Hi Everyone! I am a father of three beautiful children, and I love to create stories that inspire, teach, and uplift. Writing has always been my passion, a way to weave words into journeys that touch the heart and ignite the imagination. Whether it’s a Biblical tale that brings the Scriptures to life, a motivational story that offers hope, or an educational piece that sparks curiosity, my goal is to inspire people of all ages.

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