60 Animals That Start With G for Kids
Kickstarting our alphabet journey today, we're galloping into the world of animals that start with G. From the towering giraffes of Africa to the tiny geckos that might live in your very backyard, there's a great diversity of creatures that share the letter G as the start of their names.
This eclectic group showcases the beauty and variety within the animal kingdom. Whether they glide, gallop, or growl, each of these G-named animals has a fascinating story. Get ready to meet some of them across different continents!
See also: More Animals That Start With
Animals in Asia Starting with G
- Description: A large, fish-eating crocodile with a long, thin snout
- Scientific Name: Gavialis gangeticus
- Group Called: Bask or congregation
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily fishes
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 50 years
- Interesting Facts: Known for its ghara (pot) – a bulbous growth on the male's snout
Giant Panda
- Description: Black and white bear known for its love of bamboo
- Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
- Group Called: Embarrassment or cupboard
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, primarily bamboo
- Lifespan and Aging: 20 years in the wild, up to 30 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They can eat 26 to 84 pounds of bamboo a day!
- Description: A long-necked species of antelope
- Scientific Name: Litocranius walleri
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, mainly browses on leaves, flowers, and fruits
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8-10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Known as the "giraffe gazelle" for its elongated neck
- Description: A small arboreal ape known for its brachiation
- Scientific Name: Hylobatidae
- Group Called: Family
- Diet and Nutrition: Mainly frugivorous, along with leaves and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25-30 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Gibbons form monogamous pairs and are known for their loud, complex songs
Gobi Bear
- Description: A rare, desert-dwelling bear
- Scientific Name: Ursus arctos gobiensis
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, including roots, berries, and occasionally insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Information scarce due to its rarity
- Interesting Facts: One of the rarest bears, dwelling in the Gobi Desert
Golden Langur
- Description: A primate with striking golden fur
- Scientific Name: Trachypithecus geei
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, leaves, fruit, and seeds
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25 years
- Interesting Facts: Endemic to limited regions within India and Bhutan
Great Indian Hornbill
- Description: A large bird with a massive yellow and black bill
- Scientific Name: Buceros bicornis
- Group Called: Convocation
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, fruits primarily and small animals
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 35–50 years
- Interesting Facts: Known for their loud calls and impressive size among Asian hornbills
Grizzled Giant Squirrel
- Description: A large, grayish-brown squirrel
- Scientific Name: Ratufa macroura
- Group Called: Scurry or dray
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, includes fruits, nuts, insects, and bird eggs
- Lifespan and Aging: Roughly 6 years
- Interesting Facts: It's known for its high canopy dwellings and dramatic gliding abilities
Green Peafowl
- Description: A large, brightly colored bird, similar to peacocks
- Scientific Name: Pavo muticus
- Group Called: Ostentation
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, includes plants, insects, and small animals
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25 years
- Interesting Facts: Native to Southeast Asia, males display a splendid train during courtship
Ground Pangolin
- Description: A rare, scale-covered mammal
- Scientific Name: Smutsia temminckii
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily ants and termites
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Utilizes its armored scales as defense against predators
Animals in Africa Starting with G
- Description: The tallest land animal with a long neck and distinctive spots
- Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis
- Group Called: Tower
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, mainly acacia leaves
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25-30 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans, just much larger!
Gnu (Wildebeest)
- Description: A large, horned antelope known for its massive migrations
- Scientific Name: Connochaetes
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, primarily grass
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Over 1.5 million wildebeest migrate annually in search of fresh grazing and water
Goliath Frog
- Description: The world's largest frog species
- Scientific Name: Conraua goliath
- Group Called: Army or colony
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, eats small animals and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Can grow up to 32 cm in length and weigh over 3 kg
Golden Mole
- Description: Small, burrowing mammals with a metallic sheen
- Scientific Name: Chrysochloridae
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Varies among species
- Interesting Facts: Despite their name, they are not closely related to the true moles
- Description: The largest of the living primates
- Scientific Name: Gorilla
- Group Called: Troop or band
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, fruits, leaves, and stems
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 40 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Demonstrates complex social structures and emotional depth
Grant's Gazelle
- Description: A slender antelope known for its speed
- Scientific Name: Nanger granti
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, grasses, and leaves
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12-15 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Can run up to 56 mph to escape predators
Ground Hornbill
- Description: A large, terrestrial bird with a distinctive red or blue facial patch
- Scientific Name: Bucorvus
- Group Called: Family
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, insects, small mammals, and reptiles
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 40-60 years
- Interesting Facts: Known for their deep, booming calls
Guinea Fowl
- Description: Birds with a distinctive spotted appearance
- Scientific Name: Numididae
- Group Called: Flock or confusion
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, seeds and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10-15 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They are known for their loud call, which sounds like "kek kek kek"
Galago (Bushbaby)
- Description: Small, nocturnal primates with large eyes
- Scientific Name: Galagidae
- Group Called: Solitary or in small family groups
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, including fruits, insects, and tree gums
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Known for their powerful hind legs and ability to make large leaps
- Description: A large antelope with distinctive long horns
- Scientific Name: Oryx gazella
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, grasses, and leaves
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They can go weeks without water, getting moisture from their food
Animals in North America Starting with G
Grizzly Bear
- Description: A subspecies of brown bear, known for its impressive size
- Scientific Name: Ursus arctos horribilis
- Group Called: Solitary, except mothers with cubs
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, includes fish, mammals, and berries
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They have a distinctive hump on their shoulders from muscle mass
Gray Wolf
- Description: The largest member of the canine family
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus
- Group Called: Pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily large ungulates
- Lifespan and Aging: 6-8 years in the wild, up to 13 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They have complex social structures and communicate with various vocalizations
Gila Monster
- Description: A venomous lizard with a beaded appearance
- Scientific Name: Heloderma suspectum
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, eggs, small birds, mammals, and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: One of the few venomous lizards in the world
Green Tree Frog
- Description: A small, brightly colored frog
- Scientific Name: Hyla cinerea
- Group Called: Army
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily insects
- Lifespan and Aging: 2-5 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Known for its distinctive "barking" call
Golden Eagle
- Description: A large bird of prey, known for its striking appearance and hunting skill
- Scientific Name: Aquila chrysaetos
- Group Called: Convocation
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, includes rabbits, squirrels, and sometimes large mammals or carrion
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 30 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They have a wingspan of up to 2.3 meters
- Description: A robust rodent, known for its burrowing habits
- Scientific Name: Marmota monax
- Group Called: Repose or coterie
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, includes grasses, fruits, and vegetables
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 6 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Groundhog Day is based on the folklore regarding its weather prediction abilities
Gray Squirrel
- Description: A tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail
- Scientific Name: Sciurus carolinensis
- Group Called: Scurry or dray
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, nuts, seeds, fruits, and fungi
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 12 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Known for their habit of planting future food by burying nuts
Great Blue Heron
- Description: A large wading bird with striking blue-gray plumage
- Scientific Name: Ardea herodias
- Group Called: Siege
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, fish, small mammals, insects, and amphibians
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They have a wingspan of up to 6 feet
Gulf Coast Toad
- Description: A common toad found near water
- Scientific Name: Incilius valliceps
- Group Called: Knot
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, insects, and small invertebrates
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 5 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Known for its distinctive dark spots and light stripe down its back
Garter Snake
- Description: A common, nonvenomous snake found across North America
- Scientific Name: Thamnophis
- Group Called: Nest
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, includes amphibians, small mammals, and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: Known for their stripes, which run the length of their bodies
Animals in South America Starting with G
Giant Anteater
- Description: A large, terrestrial mammal known for its long snout and tongue
- Scientific Name: Myrmecophaga tridactyla
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily ants and termites
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 16 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They can eat up to 30,000 ants and termites a day!
Green Anaconda
- Description: One of the largest and heaviest known snake species
- Scientific Name: Eunectes murinus
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, includes fish, birds, mammals, and reptiles
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They are excellent swimmers and can remain submerged for up to 10 minutes
- Description: A camelid native to South America, closely related to the llama
- Scientific Name: Lama guanicoe
- Group Called: Herd
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, grasses, and plants
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20-25 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They are known for their soft, woolly coats
Golden Lion Tamarin
- Description: A small, brightly colored primate known for its mane-like fur
- Scientific Name: Leontopithecus rosalia
- Group Called: Troop
- Diet and Nutrition: Omnivorous, fruits, insects, and small animals
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They are critically endangered, primarily due to habitat loss
Glass Frog
- Description: Small, transparent-skinned frogs
- Scientific Name: Centrolenidae
- Group Called: Army
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Their translucent skin makes their internal organs visible
Guava Dove
- Description: A small dove with a distinct call
- Scientific Name: Leptotila wellsi
- Group Called: Dule or bevy
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, fruits, and seeds
- Lifespan and Aging: Information scarce
- Interesting Facts: Named after their preference for eating guava fruits
Geoffroy’s Cat
- Description: A small and elusive wild cat
- Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, includes rodents, birds, and fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They are excellent climbers and swimmers
Green Iguana
- Description: A large, arboreal lizard known for its vibrant green color
- Scientific Name: Iguana iguana
- Group Called: Solitary
- Diet and Nutrition: Herbivorous, foliage, fruits, and flowers
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They can detach their tail if caught by a predator
Guanay Cormorant
- Description: A seabird known for its diving ability
- Scientific Name: Leucocarbo bougainvillii
- Group Called: Colony
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, primarily fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15-20 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They are a major producer of guano, used as fertilizer
Golden Poison Frog
- Description: One of the most toxic animals in the world
- Scientific Name: Phyllobates terribilis
- Group Called: Army
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, small insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: Their poison can be lethal to predators and humans
Animals in Europe Starting with G
Griffon Vulture
- Description: A large bird of prey known for its impressive wingspan.
- Scientific Name: Gyps fulvus
- Group Called: A cast
- Diet and Nutrition: Carrion
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 25 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They have a keen sense of smell to locate food.
Gray Wolf
- Description: One of the best-known wild canine species.
- Scientific Name: Canis lupus
- Group Called: A pack
- Diet and Nutrition: Carnivorous, including deer and smaller mammals.
- Lifespan and Aging: 6-8 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They are highly social animals and communicate through body language, scent marking, and vocalizations.
Great Crested Grebe
- Description: A water bird famous for its elaborate mating dance.
- Scientific Name: Podiceps cristatus
- Group Called: A water dance
- Diet and Nutrition: Mainly fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Around 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They build floating nests on the water.
Garden Warbler
- Description: A small bird with a sweet song.
- Scientific Name: Sylvia borin
- Group Called: A confusion
- Diet and Nutrition: Insects and berries
- Lifespan and Aging: 2 years on average
- Interesting Facts: They are highly migratory, spending winters in Africa.
- Description: A brightly colored passerine bird.
- Scientific Name: Carduelis carduelis
- Group Called: A charm
- Diet and Nutrition: Seeds and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8 years
- Interesting Facts: Their vibrant plumage makes them a favorite among birdwatchers.
Grass Snake
- Description: A non-venomous snake found in grasslands.
- Scientific Name: Natrix natrix
- Group Called: A nest
- Diet and Nutrition: Amphibians and fish
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild
- Interesting Facts: They often play dead when threatened.
Ground Beetle
- Description: A common beetle with a voracious appetite for pests.
- Scientific Name: Carabidae
- Group Called: A scurry
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly other insects
- Lifespan and Aging: 1-3 years
- Interesting Facts: There are over 40,000 species of ground beetles.
Greater Spotted Woodpecker
- Description: Known for its distinctive drumming sound on trees.
- Scientific Name: Dendrocopos major
- Group Called: A descent
- Diet and Nutrition: Insects, seeds, and nuts
- Lifespan and Aging: Around 5 years
- Interesting Facts: They have shock-absorbent tissue in their heads to protect their brains while pecking.
Great Tit
- Description: A vibrant bird known for its "teacher-teacher" call.
- Scientific Name: Parus major
- Group Called: A band
- Diet and Nutrition: Insects, seeds, and nuts
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 3 years
- Interesting Facts: They adjust their diet based on the season, eating more insects during spring and summer.
Green Lizard
- Description: A brightly colored lizard found in various habitats.
- Scientific Name: Lacerta viridis
- Group Called: A lounge
- Diet and Nutrition: Insects and small invertebrates
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8 years
- Interesting Facts: They can drop their tail to escape predators and then regrow it.
Animals in Oceania Starting with G
- Description: A pink and gray cockatoo native to Australia.
- Scientific Name: Eolophus roseicapilla
- Group Called: A flock
- Diet and Nutrition: Seeds and fruits
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 40 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They are very social birds and can often be seen in large groups.
Green Sea Turtle
- Description: A large, oceanic turtle known for its long migrations.
- Scientific Name: Chelonia mydas
- Group Called: A bale
- Diet and Nutrition: Mainly seagrass and algae
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 80 years
- Interesting Facts: They are one of the largest species of sea turtle.
Giant Weta
- Description: One of the world’s largest insects, found in New Zealand.
- Scientific Name: Deinacrida
- Group Called: A curiosity
- Diet and Nutrition: Mostly plant material
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 2 years
- Interesting Facts: They are named after a Maori word meaning "god of ugly things."
Great White Shark
- Description: A large predatory fish known for its size and strength.
- Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias
- Group Called: A shiver
- Diet and Nutrition: Marine mammals, fish, and seabirds
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 70 years
- Interesting Facts: They have several rows of sharp, replaceable teeth.
Gouldian Finch
- Description: A small, colorful bird native to Australia.
- Scientific Name: Erythrura gouldiae
- Group Called: A charm
- Diet and Nutrition: Seeds and insects
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in captivity
- Interesting Facts: They have bright plumage in shades of red, green, and yellow.
Grey-headed Flying Fox
- Description: A large bat species known for flying great distances for food.
- Scientific Name: Pteropus poliocephalus
- Group Called: A cloud
- Diet and Nutrition: Fruit, nectar, and flowers
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years
- Interesting Facts: They are crucial for pollination and seed dispersal in their habitats.
Giant Clam
- Description: The largest living bivalve mollusk, found in reef environments.
- Scientific Name: Tridacna gigas
- Group Called: A bed
- Diet and Nutrition: Photosynthetic, courtesy of symbiotic algae
- Lifespan and Aging: Up to 100 years
- Interesting Facts: They can weigh more than 200 kg (440 lbs).
- Description: A small, nocturnal lizard known for its ability to climb smooth surfaces.
- Scientific Name: Gekkonidae
- Group Called: A mess
- Diet and Nutrition: Insects and sometimes fruit
- Lifespan and Aging: 5-10 years, depending on the species
- Interesting Facts: They have special hairs on their feet that allow them to stick to surfaces without the use of liquids or suction.
Giant Panda Snail
- Description: Australia’s largest land snail, known for its size and unique coloring.
- Scientific Name: Hedleyella falconeri
- Group Called: A rout
- Diet and Nutrition: Fungi, decaying leaves
- Lifespan and Aging: 10 years
- Interesting Facts: They are a nocturnal species, becoming active at night to avoid predators and conserve moisture.
Golden-shouldered Parrot
- Description: A small, endangered parrot species with distinctive markings.
- Scientific Name: Psephotellus chrysopterygius
- Group Called: A pandemonium
- Diet and Nutrition: Seeds, especially those of grasses
- Lifespan and Aging: Unknown
- Interesting Facts: They nest in termite mounds to regulate the temperature and protect against predators.
Final Thoughts on Animals That Start With G
We hope you have learned some remarkable facts about the multitude of animals whose names begin with "G". These creatures, from the towering giraffe to the diminutive groundhog, showcase the incredible diversity and beauty of wildlife around the globe.
Their adaptability, unique characteristics, and ecological roles underscore the wonders of the animal kingdom and our responsibility to protect these magnificent beings. Remember, every creature, big or small, has its own story waiting to be discovered.
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