60 Animals That Start With L for Kids

2 months ago · Updated 2 months ago


Get ready for a wild journey through the animal kingdom as we focus on creatures that have something in common—they all start with the letter "L." From the majestic lion to the less known lemur, the diversity is astounding.

Curious to see which other animals make the list? Let's dive into the fascinating world of animals that start with L letters across different continents. You're in for some surprises and maybe even a few new favorites!

See also: More Animals That Start With

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Table of Contents

Animals in Asia Starting with L

Animals That Start With L


  • Description: A slender, long-tailed monkey found in South Asia.
  • Scientific Name: Semnopithecus
  • Group Called: Troop
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Langurs are revered in Hindu mythology and often live near temples.


  • Description: Large, elusive feline known for its beautiful spotted coat.
  • Scientific Name: Panthera pardus
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 12 to 17 years
  • Interesting Facts: Leopards can run at speeds up to 58 km/h.

Leopard Cat

  • Description: Small wild cat native to South, Southeast, and East Asia.
  • Scientific Name: Prionailurus bengalensis
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 13 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it is not closely related to the leopard.


  • Description: Hybrid offspring of a male lion and a female tiger.
  • Scientific Name: Panthera leo × Panthera tigris
  • Group Called: Pride (rarely, since they are mostly in captivity)
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 18 years
  • Interesting Facts: Ligers are the largest of all known extant felines.

Long-Eared Hedgehog

  • Description: Small nocturnal mammal with distinctive long ears.
  • Scientific Name: Hemiechinus auritus
  • Group Called: Array
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 8 years
  • Interesting Facts: Can run up to 6 miles per night in search of food.


  • Description: Small, slow-moving primate with large, forward-facing eyes.
  • Scientific Name: Lorisidae
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Some species secrete toxin from their elbows.

Leopard Gecko

  • Description: Popular pet lizard known for its spotted skin.
  • Scientific Name: Eublepharis macularius
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: They have the ability to detach their tails to escape predators.

Long-Tailed Tit

  • Description: Small bird with a distinctive long tail, found throughout Europe and Asia.
  • Scientific Name: Aegithalos caudatus
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 9 years
  • Interesting Facts: They often roost communally to stay warm during winter.

Leaf Muntjac

  • Description: Small deer species with a distinctive barking call.
  • Scientific Name: Muntiacus putaoensis
  • Group Called: Solitude or pair
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 10-15 years
  • Interesting Facts: Newly discovered species, known from northern Myanmar.


  • Description: Medium-sized wild cat recognized by its tufted ears.
  • Scientific Name: Lynx
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 17 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Excellent climber and swimmer.

Animals in Africa Starting with L


  • Description: Known as the "king of the jungle," this big cat is recognized by its mane.
  • Scientific Name: Panthera leo
  • Group Called: Pride
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Only male lions have manes.

Leopard Tortoise

  • Description: Large tortoise with a shell patterned like the fur of a leopard.
  • Scientific Name: Stigmochelys pardalis
  • Group Called: Creep
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 100 years
  • Interesting Facts: It’s one of the largest tortoise species in Africa.

Lesser Kudu

  • Description: Strikingly striped antelope found in East Africa.
  • Scientific Name: Tragelaphus imberbis
  • Group Called: Herd
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 7 to 8 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Males have long, twisted horns.


  • Description: Antelope species that thrives in marshy areas.
  • Scientific Name: Kobus leche
  • Group Called: Herd
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Known for their long, splayed hooves that enable them to walk in marshy soil.
See also  60 Animals That Start With G for Kids

Lappet-Faced Vulture

  • Description: Large bird of prey with distinctive ear-like tufts.
  • Scientific Name: Torgos tracheliotos
  • Group Called: Wake
  • Diet and Nutrition: Scavenger
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 50 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: It’s the dominant vulture species, often displacing others from carrion.


  • Description: Distinctive primate known for its large, reflective eyes and long, bushy tail.
  • Scientific Name: Lemuridae
  • Group Called: Troop
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 18 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Exclusive to Madagascar, many lemur species are endangered.


  • Description: Small and colorful parrot known for its affectionate nature.
  • Scientific Name: Agapornis
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Often seen in pairs, showing affectionate behavior, hence the name.

Leptailurus Serval

  • Description: Medium-sized African wild cat known for its long legs and spotted coat.
  • Scientific Name: Leptailurus serval
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Servals have the longest legs of any cat, relative to their body size.

Laughing Kookaburra

  • Description: Iconic bird known for its loud, laughter-like call.
  • Scientific Name: Dacelo novaeguineae
  • Group Called: "Clan"
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its presence in African zoos, it's native to Australia.

Lilac-Breasted Roller

  • Description: Known for its stunning plumage featuring a lilac breast.
  • Scientific Name: Coracias caudatus
  • Group Called: Solitude or pair
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 10 years
  • Interesting Facts: It’s the national bird of Kenya.

Animals in North America Starting with L

Animals That Start With L 1


  • Description: Medium-sized cat with characteristic tufted ears, native to North America.
  • Scientific Name: Lynx canadensis
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 14 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Lynx have a preference for snowshoe hares.

Loggerhead Turtle

  • Description: Large sea turtle known for its powerful jaw.
  • Scientific Name: Caretta caretta
  • Group Called: Bale
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 67 years
  • Interesting Facts: Named for their relatively large heads.


  • Description: Aquatic bird known for its eerie calls and striking red eyes.
  • Scientific Name: Gavia
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 30 years
  • Interesting Facts: Excellent swimmers, loons can dive up to 200 feet.

Long-nosed Armadillo

  • Description: Distinctive mammal with a leathery armor shell.
  • Scientific Name: Dasypus novemcinctus
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They can hold their breath for up to six minutes.

Long-billed Curlew

  • Description: Large North American bird with a very long, curved bill.
  • Scientific Name: Numenius americanus
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
  • Interesting Facts: It has the longest bill of any North American bird.

Least Weasel

  • Description: Small, fierce mammal known for its slender body and voracious appetite.
  • Scientific Name: Mustela nivalis
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 1 to 2 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: It’s the smallest species of the genus Mustela.


  • Description: Colorful beetle often seen as a sign of good luck.
  • Scientific Name: Coccinellidae
  • Group Called: Loveliness
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 3 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are used as biological control agents in gardens.

Long-Eared Owl

  • Description: Medium-sized owl known for its long "ear" tufts and deep, hooting calls.
  • Scientific Name: Asio otus
  • Group Called: Parliament
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: Long-eared owls are more often heard than seen.

Luna Moth

  • Description: Striking green moth with long tail streamers.
  • Scientific Name: Actias luna
  • Group Called: Flutter
  • Diet and Nutrition: N/A (adults don’t eat)
  • Lifespan and Aging: 1 week as adults
  • Interesting Facts: They are one of the largest moths in North America.

Lewis's Woodpecker

  • Description: North American woodpecker noted for its greenish-black color and red face.
  • Scientific Name: Melanerpes lewis
  • Group Called: Descent
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years
  • Interesting Facts: Named after Meriwether Lewis, of Lewis and Clark expedition fame.

Animals in South America Starting with L


  • Description: South American domesticated pack animal known for its woolly fur.
  • Scientific Name: Lama glama
  • Group Called: Herd
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are social animals and live with other llamas as a herd.

Leafcutter Ant

  • Description: Known for cutting leaves to cultivate their food.
  • Scientific Name: Atta
  • Group Called: Colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Fungivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to several years (queen)
  • Interesting Facts: They have specialized castes for different tasks within their society.
See also  30 Animals That Start With A for Kids


  • Description: Medium-sized bird with a distinctive crest on its head.
  • Scientific Name: Vanellus chilensis
  • Group Called: Deceit
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Known for their noisy call and impressive aerial displays.

Leopardus Wiedii

  • Description: Also known as the Margay, a small wild cat native to South America.
  • Scientific Name: Leopardus wiedii
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 13 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They are adept climbers and can even sleep on branches.


  • Description: Wading bird similar to a crane, known for its loud, wailing call.
  • Scientific Name: Aramus guarauna
  • Group Called: Family
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 10 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They primarily feed on apple snails.

Long-Tailed Weasel

  • Description: Small mammal known for its long, slender body and bold behavior.
  • Scientific Name: Mustela frenata
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 1-3 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They have a seasonal coat color change from brown to white in winter.

Laughing Falcon

  • Description: Bird of prey known for its distinct long call that resembles human laughter.
  • Scientific Name: Herpetotheres cachinnans
  • Group Called: Solitude
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Unknown
  • Interesting Facts: They primarily feed on snakes, including venomous ones.


  • Description: Venomous snake belonging to the pit viper family, found in South America.
  • Scientific Name: Bothrops
  • Group Called: Nest
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: 10-20 years
  • Interesting Facts: Known for their highly potent venom.

Lowland Tapir

  • Description: The largest land mammal in South America, resembling a pig with a short, prehensile snout.
  • Scientific Name: Tapirus terrestris
  • Group Called: Solitude or pair
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 30 years in the wild
  • Interesting Facts: They are excellent swimmers and can dive to feed underwater.

Long-Finned Pilot Whale

  • Description: Large marine mammal belonging to the dolphin family.
  • Scientific Name: Globicephala melas
  • Group Called: Pod
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 45 years
  • Interesting Facts: They are known for their long pectoral fins.

Animals in Europe Starting with L

Animals That Start With L 2


  • Description: The Lynx is a medium-sized wild cat known for its short tail and tufted ears.
  • Scientific Name: Lynx lynx
  • Group Called: Clowder
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly feeds on small mammals and birds.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: Lynxes have excellent night vision, helping them hunt in the dark.

Long-Eared Owl

  • Description: This owl is easily identifiable by its long ear tufts, appearing like cat ears.
  • Scientific Name: Asio otus
  • Group Called: Parliament
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly eats rodents and small mammals.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Can live up to 10 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: Their long ear tufts are for display and have nothing to do with hearing.


  • Description: A large bird of prey known for its distinctive habit of dropping bones from heights to break them open.
  • Scientific Name: Gypaetus barbatus
  • Group Called: Cast
  • Diet and Nutrition: Scavenger, diet includes bones and carcasses.
  • Lifespan and Aging: May live up to 40 years or more.
  • Interesting Facts: Its name means “lamb vulture” in German, referencing its reputation (though exaggerated) for attacking lambs.

Ladybird Beetle

  • Description: Known for their bright red and spotted wings, ladybirds are beloved garden insects.
  • Scientific Name: Coccinellidae
  • Group Called: Loveliness
  • Diet and Nutrition: Mostly aphids, helping control garden pests.
  • Lifespan and Aging: 1 year, approximately.
  • Interesting Facts: Their vibrant colors are a warning to predators about their bitter taste.

Loggerhead Turtle

  • Description: A marine turtle known for its large head and powerful jaw muscles.
  • Scientific Name: Caretta caretta
  • Group Called: Flotilla
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, eats jellyfish, conchs, and sometimes seaweed.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Can live 50 years or more.
  • Interesting Facts: They use their powerful jaws to crush hard-shelled prey like clams and sea urchins.

Little Owl

  • Description: A small owl species with a spotted body and round head, lacking ear tufts.
  • Scientific Name: Athene noctua
  • Group Called: Parliament
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly insects, and small mammals.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 15 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: They are often seen during the day, unlike many other owl species.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

  • Description: The smallest woodpecker in Europe, known for its spotted plumage and rapid tapping on trees.
  • Scientific Name: Dryobates minor
  • Group Called: Descent
  • Diet and Nutrition: Insectivore, mainly eats insects found in wood.
  • Lifespan and Aging: 5 to 10 years.
  • Interesting Facts: They can tap on trees up to 10 times per second while looking for food.

Lappet-faced Vulture

  • Description: A large, powerful vulture with a wide wingspan and distinctive facial skin.
  • Scientific Name: Torgos tracheliotos
  • Group Called: Wake
  • Diet and Nutrition: Scavenger, feeds mostly on carcasses.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 40 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: They are dominant over other vultures at carcasses due to their size and strength.
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  • Description: Lobsters are sea creatures with a hard shell, two large claws, and a taste that’s a favorite for many.
  • Scientific Name: Nephropidae
  • Group Called: Pod
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, feeds on fish, mollusks, and other sea bottom dwellers.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Can live up to 50 years or more.
  • Interesting Facts: They can regenerate lost limbs over time.

Little Ringed Plover

  • Description: A small, dainty bird known for its distinctive ringed neck and rapid run along shorelines.
  • Scientific Name: Charadrius dubius
  • Group Called: Stand
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, eats insects, worms, and small crustaceans.
  • Lifespan and Aging: 9 to 12 years.
  • Interesting Facts: They perform a broken-wing act to distract predators from their nests.

Animals in Oceania Starting with L

Laughing Kookaburra

  • Description: Famous for its loud, laughter-like call, the kookaburra is a large member of the kingfisher family.
  • Scientific Name: Dacelo novaeguineae
  • Group Called: "Riot" or "Wake"
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly small rodents, reptiles, and insects.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years in captivity.
  • Interesting Facts: The kookaburra's laugh is actually a territorial call to ward off other birds.


  • Description: Bright, colorful parrots known for their playful nature and brush-tipped tongues.
  • Scientific Name: Lorinae
  • Group Called: Flock
  • Diet and Nutrition: Nectar, fruit, and sometimes insects.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 20 years.
  • Interesting Facts: Their specialized tongues are perfect for sipping nectar from flowers.

Leadbeater's Possum

  • Description: A small, agile marsupial with distinctively large eyes and a fluffy tail.
  • Scientific Name: Gymnobelideus leadbeateri
  • Group Called: Scandal
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, feeding on insects, nectar, and sap.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Around 5 to 6 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: It’s named after the taxidermist John Leadbeater.

Long-Finned Pilot Whale

  • Description: Large, dark dolphins known for their long, slender dorsal fins.
  • Scientific Name: Globicephala melas
  • Group Called: Pod
  • Diet and Nutrition: Mainly squid, occasionally fish.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Can live over 45 years.
  • Interesting Facts: They have strong family bonds and can often be seen swimming in large groups.

Leopard Seal

  • Description: Large seals known for their distinctively long bodies and powerful jaws.
  • Scientific Name: Hydrurga leptonyx
  • Group Called: Harem (though they are often solitary)
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, feeds on penguins, fish, and even other seals.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 26 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: They are top predators in their Antarctic habitat.

Little Penguin

  • Description: The smallest species of penguin, known for its blue feathers and adorable waddle.
  • Scientific Name: Eudyptula minor
  • Group Called: Colony
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, mainly small fish and squid.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 6 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: They are also known as "Fairy Penguins" because of their tiny size.

Lord Howe Island Stick Insect

  • Description: Once thought extinct, this large, nocturnal stick insect has a remarkable comeback story.
  • Scientific Name: Dryococelus australis
  • Group Called: Horde
  • Diet and Nutrition: Herbivore, eats leaves.
  • Lifespan and Aging: About 2 years.
  • Interesting Facts: These insects were rediscovered on a remote rock islet, leading to conservation efforts for their survival.

Lake Taupo Bull Trout

  • Description: A freshwater fish endemic to New Zealand, characterized by its elongated body and silvery color.
  • Scientific Name: Salmo trutta
  • Group Called: School
  • Diet and Nutrition: Carnivore, feeds on smaller fish and aquatic invertebrates.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 7 years.
  • Interesting Facts: Despite its name, it's not actually a trout but a type of char.

Long-Nosed Bandicoot

  • Description: A small, nocturnal marsupial with a pointed snout and large hind feet.
  • Scientific Name: Perameles nasuta
  • Group Called: Intrigue
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, mainly insects, seeds, and fruits.
  • Lifespan and Aging: 2 to 3 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: They are proficient diggers, using their long noses to root around for food.


  • Description: Notable for their spectacular tail feathers and unmatched mimicry skills.
  • Scientific Name: Menura
  • Group Called: Display
  • Diet and Nutrition: Omnivore, mainly insects and seeds.
  • Lifespan and Aging: Up to 30 years in the wild.
  • Interesting Facts: They can mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment, including chainsaws and camera shutters.

Final Thoughts on Animals That Start With L

We hope you have learned a lot about the incredible diversity of "L" starting animals across Europe and Oceania. From the laugh of the Kookaburra to the mysterious depths of the sea where lobsters dwell, these creatures fascinate and remind us of the variety in the natural world.

Exploring the animal kingdom reveals not just the uniqueness of each creature but also the interconnectedness of all life. Whether it's through the intricate mimicry of the lyrebird or the powerful flight of the lammergeier, each animal holds a special place in the tapestry of life, sparking curiosity and wonder in all who learn about them.

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Hi Everyone! I am a father of three beautiful children, and I love to create stories that inspire, teach, and uplift. Writing has always been my passion, a way to weave words into journeys that touch the heart and ignite the imagination. Whether it’s a Biblical tale that brings the Scriptures to life, a motivational story that offers hope, or an educational piece that sparks curiosity, my goal is to inspire people of all ages.

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