120 Hilarious Banana Puns to Peel Away the Gloom

Banana Puns 3


Welcome to our bunch of jokes that are guaranteed to make you go bananas! Today, we're diving into the world of banana puns – a topic that's fun, fruity, and full of potassium-packed humor.

Puns are jokes exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings. And when it comes to bananas, the possibilities are endless.

Bananas are not just a delicious and healthy snack; they're also a source of endless fun for kids and teens with a ripe sense of humor. Whether it's during lunch, on a road trip, or just hanging out at home, banana puns can add a burst of laughter to your day.

So, let's not wait any longer to split into the world of banana humor. Get ready to chuckle, giggle, and, most importantly, find appeeling jokes that you can share with friends and family.

See also: More Humors & Jokes

Table of Contents

Going Bananas with Words

Banana Puns
  1. What do you call a banana that likes to dance? A banana shake!
  2. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn't peeling well.
  3. What did one banana say to the other when they first met? Yellow, nice to meet you!
  4. How do bananas greet each other in the morning? They say, "Peel-o!"
  5. Why don't bananas ever feel lonely? Because they hang out in bunches.
  6. What’s a banana’s favorite gymnastics move? The banana split.
  7. Why did the banana get so many Valentine’s cards? Because it's so a-peeling!
  8. How do bananas say goodbye? They use their peel phones.
  9. What do you call two bananas on the floor? Slippers.
  10. Why did the banana go out with a prune? Because it couldn’t find a date.
  11. What did the banana say to the monkey? Nothing, bananas can't talk!
  12. Why was the banana so upset? It got split up from the bunch.
  13. How does a banana answer the phone? Yellow, who's this?
  14. What did the green banana say to the yellow banana? "I’m green with envy!"
  15. Why don’t bananas snore? Because they don’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.
  16. What do you call a speedy banana? A banana blur.
  17. What type of school do bananas go to? Sundae school.
  18. How did the unripe banana feel about being ignored? It felt green and unseen.
  19. What’s a banana’s favorite day of the week? Sundae!
  20. Why did the banana stay home from the party? It was peeling a bit off.

Slippery Humor

Banana Puns 5
  1. What did the banana say to the dog? Nothing. Bananas can’t talk, but it did a-peel to his sense of taste!
  2. How do you make a banana milkshake? By giving a cow a bunch of bananas.
  3. Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because it couldn’t find a date!
  4. Which fruit always takes a vacation? A banana, because it likes to peel away.
  5. Why was the banana so good at gymnastics? It always did great splits.
  6. What did one banana say to the other banana that was leaving? "Peel ya later!"
  7. How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster!
  8. What do you say when a banana photocopies itself? A-peeling duplicates!
  9. Why couldn’t the banana yell high? Because it could only yellow.
  10. Why are bananas never lonely? Because they come in bunches.
  11. What’s the easiest way to make a banana split? Cut it in half.
  12. What did the banana do when he saw a monkey? The banana split.
  13. What’s a ghost’s favorite fruit? Boo-nana.
  14. Why did the banana like to hang out with the mushroom? Because it was a fungi.
  15. Why couldn’t the banana bicycle move? Because it lost its peel!
  16. What’s the most popular fruit in the orchestra? The banan-accordion.
  17. When do bananas cook the best? When they’re flambé.
  18. What did the banana mom say to her son before school? Hope you have a-peeling day!
  19. How can you tell if a banana is sad? When it starts to brown!
  20. Why was the banana so popular? Because it was yellow, and everyone waved at it!
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Ripe with Laughter

Banana Puns 2
  1. What did the banana guardian say? Let’s split up and look for clues.
  2. Why was the banana so good at lying? Because it could change its peel so quickly.
  3. What’s a banana’s favorite type of music? Banana rock'n'peel.
  4. Why do bananas wear sunscreen? To avoid peeling.
  5. What did the unripe banana say to the ripe banana? "You’re too appealing for me!"
  6. How do bananas like their sandwiches? With peanut butter and jelly-bean.
  7. Why was the baby banana so spoiled? Because it was always the bunch's favorite.
  8. What’s a banana’s favorite Shakespeare play? The Merchant of Venice… because of the merchant Banana...
  9. How did the banana become an astronaut? It went on ape-ollo 11.
  10. What did the banana say to the friend who betrayed him? "You bruised my peelings."
  11. Why didn’t the banana cross the road? Because it didn’t want to split itself.
  12. What do you call a banana who gets all the attention? A banan-star.
  13. What’s a vampire's least favorite fruit? A neck-tarine! Just kidding, it’s a banana, they don’t care.
  14. How do prehistoric creatures like their bananas? Dino-saur.
  15. Why was the banana such a good secret agent? Because it was never seen (green).
  16. What did the banana say to the orange? "You're appealing, but I'm more a-peel-ing."
  17. What does a banana say when it answers the door? "Yellow, who’s there?"
  18. Why did the banana go to the party? Because it was a fruit bash.
  19. What do you call a freezing banana? A brrr-nana.
  20. Why are bananas so good at cheerleading? Because they always have appeal!

Peel the Fun

Banana Puns 4
  1. What do bananas wear when they go swimming? Banana trunks.
  2. Why did the banana stay at home? It wasn’t peeling well.
  3. What’s a banana’s favorite place to visit? The Republic of Peelama.
  4. How do bananas get across the river? They take the banana boat.
  5. Why was the banana so strong? It was rich in potassium.
  6. What do you call bananas who are friends forever? Bunch buddies.
  7. What kind of messages do bananas send? Text-peels.
  8. How do bananas like to be greeted? With bunches of hellos.
  9. Why did the banana go to the art museum? Because it had great taste in art-peels.
  10. Why did the banana get invited to all the parties? Because it was always peeling good.
  11. What do bananas wear on their feet? Slippers.
  12. Why did the banana agree with everything? Because it liked to ape-pease.
  13. How does a banana leave the house? Thorough the door-peel.
  14. What did the banana say to the avocado? "Let's guac and roll!"
  15. Why don’t bananas get lonely? Because they always have a peel.
  16. Why did the banana go to school? To improve its peel-ing skills.
  17. What did the banana say to its friend on a cold day? "You look peel-y!"
  18. What’s a banana’s favorite type of dance? The twist and shout.
  19. How do bananas keep their skin soft? With banana cream.
  20. When is a banana scared? When it sees a monkey!
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Banana Split with Laughter

Banana Puns 3
  1. Why did the banana go to space? To find its peel-off point.
  2. How do bananas feel about winning? Absolutely a-peeling!
  3. What’s a banana’s favorite sport? Squash!
  4. Why did the banana write a letter? Because it wanted to say yellow.
  5. How did the banana fail its driving test? It peeled out too fast.
  6. What did the baby banana say to its mom? "I love you bunches!"
  7. Why did the banana get lost? It took a wrong peel-turn.
  8. How do you make a banana freeze? Put it in the freezer.
  9. What did one banana split say to the other? "You’re my better half."
  10. Why couldn’t the banana yacht captain navigate? Because the sea was too peel-y.
  11. Why did the banana stop halfway across the road? Because it ran out of peel.
  12. How do bananas stay informed? By reading the Daily Peels.
  13. Why did the banana go to the sock hop? Because it wanted to do the twist.
  14. What do you call a film about bananas? The Peel Deal.
  15. How was the banana punished? It was grounded to make banana bread.
  16. What did the banana detective say? “We have to split up the case.”
  17. Why don’t bananas get in trouble? They never slip up.
  18. Why was the banana book so good? Because it had appeal.
  19. What’s a banana’s favorite button on the remote? Peel-ay.
  20. Why was the banana smoothie so upset? Because it got mixed up!

Bursting with Giggles

  1. What’s a banana's favorite game? Peel and seek.
  2. Why did the banana take a pencil to bed? Because it wanted to draw the curtains.
  3. What’s a pirate's favorite fruit? Ba-naaarrr.
  4. Why did the banana get a seat at the opera? It had a peel-ing aria.
  5. How do bananas relax after a long day? They listen to smoothie jazz.
  6. Why was the banana tired after a day in the sun? Because it was peelt out.
  7. What’s a banana’s least favorite spell? Peel-away.
  8. How do bananas keep in touch? They ring-ring each other.
  9. Why was the banana a good actor? It had appeal on the stage.
  10. What did the banana salesman say? "These deals are banana!"
  11. Why did the banana student go to summer school? It needed to improve its peel-math skills.
  12. Why did the artist use a banana in his artwork? Because it added a-peel.
  13. What’s a banana’s favorite hairstyle? Bunches.
  14. What did the supermarket clerk say about the bananas? "They’re off the hook!"
  15. How do bananas apologize? They say they're sorry with all their peel.
  16. Why was the banana a great singer? Because it had a smooth peel-o voice.
  17. What did the banana say when it left the party? "Peel out, guys!"
  18. Why don’t you want to upset a banana? You might hurt its peelings.
  19. How do you describe an amazing banana? Slippin' awesome!
  20. What’s a banana’s favorite Broadway show? Fiddler on the Peel.
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Final Thoughts on Banana Puns

I hope these banana puns brought a smile to your face and some laughter to your day. The appeal of banana humor is that it's simple, wholesome, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you're sharing them with friends, family, or just enjoying them by yourself, these puns prove that humor can be found in the simplest things – even in your fruit bowl.

Remember, it's important to keep our sense of humor ripe and ready to share with others. A good laugh can make your day brighter and can even make you healthier! So, the next time you're feeling a bit bruised like a banana left out too long, peel back the layers of gloom with a good banana pun. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and these jokes are a bunch of fun!

Keep these puns handy for a rainy day, and don't be afraid to go bananas with your own pun-derful creations. The world of wordplay is vast, and there's always room for one more groan-worthy pun. So, let's keep peeling away at the layers of language and discover the joy and laughter that lurk within.

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Hi Everyone! I am a father of three beautiful children, and I love to create stories that inspire, teach, and uplift. Writing has always been my passion, a way to weave words into journeys that touch the heart and ignite the imagination. Whether it’s a Biblical tale that brings the Scriptures to life, a motivational story that offers hope, or an educational piece that sparks curiosity, my goal is to inspire people of all ages.

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