250 Bible Questions and Answers for Kids
It's time to embark on an exciting and enlightening journey with our Bible Questions and Answers for Kids! This engaging collection is not just a quiz; it's a delightful exploration designed to spark curiosity and joy in young minds about the most fascinating book in history - the Bible.
Imagine the fun and excitement as kids gather around, eager to challenge their knowledge and learn more about the incredible stories, characters, and teachings from both the Old and New Testaments.
From the adventurous tales of Noah and the Ark to the inspiring stories of Jesus and His teachings, this is a perfect way to introduce children to the wonders and lessons of the Bible in a manner that's both educational and entertaining.
See also: Bible Quiz Genesis 1-50 with Answers
Old Testament Characters
1. Who was the first man?
Answer: Adam.
2. Who was the first woman?
Answer: Eve.
3. Who built an ark?
Answer: Noah.
4. Who was Abraham's son?
Answer: Isaac.
5. Who was Isaac's wife?
Answer: Rebekah.
6. Who were Isaac's two sons?
Answer: Esau and Jacob.
7. Who had a coat of many colors?
Answer: Joseph.
8. Who was Moses' brother?
Answer: Aaron.
9. Who was the mother of Moses?
Answer: Jochebed.
10. Who was the baby found in a basket in the river?
Answer: Moses.
11. Who was the strong man who lost his strength when his hair was cut?
Answer: Samson.
12. Who was Samson's deceitful lover?
Answer: Delilah.
13. Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul.
14. Who was the shepherd boy who became the second king of Israel?
Answer: David.
15. Who was the giant that David defeated?
Answer: Goliath.
16. Who was the wise king who built the temple?
Answer: Solomon.
17. Who was the queen who saved her people from a plot to destroy them?
Answer: Esther.
18. Who was the prophet who confronted the wicked Queen Jezebel?
Answer: Elijah.
19. Who was Elijah's successor as a prophet?
Answer: Elisha.
20. Who was the prophet swallowed by a big fish?
Answer: Jonah.
21. Who was the Babylonian king who saw the writing on the wall?
Answer: Belshazzar.
22. Who was thrown into the lion's den?
Answer: Daniel.
23. Who was the queen of Persia who risked her life to see the king?
Answer: Esther.
24. Who was the husband of Ruth?
Answer: Boaz.
25. Who was the mother-in-law of Ruth?
Answer: Naomi.
26. Who was the prophet who anointed the first two kings of Israel?
Answer: Samuel.
27. Who was the first child of Adam and Eve?
Answer: Cain.
28. Who was Cain's brother?
Answer: Abel.
29. Who was the oldest person in the Bible?
Answer: Methuselah.
30. Who was the wife of Abraham?
Answer: Sarah.
31. Who were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah?
Answer: Esau and Jacob.
32. Who was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel?
Answer: Jacob.
33. Who was the son of David and Bathsheba?
Answer: Solomon.
34. Who was the prophetess who judged Israel?
Answer: Deborah.
35. Who was the prophet who remained faithful despite suffering?
Answer: Job.
36. Who was the prophet who helped a widow and her son during a famine?
Answer: Elijah.
37. Who was the last judge of Israel?
Answer: Samuel.
38. Who was the man who lost everything but remained faithful to God?
Answer: Job.
39. Who was the wife of Isaac who helped Jacob receive the blessing?
Answer: Rebekah.
40. Who was the son of Jacob who interpreted dreams in Egypt?
Answer: Joseph.
41. Who was the brother of Moses who spoke for him?
Answer: Aaron.
42. Who was the prophet who led Israel after Moses?
Answer: Joshua.
43. Who was the prostitute who hid Israelite spies in Jericho?
Answer: Rahab.
44. Who was the father of Solomon?
Answer: David.
45. Who was the prophet who prayed for no rain, and it didn't rain for three years?
Answer: Elijah.
46. Who was the second son of Adam and Eve?
Answer: Seth.
47. Who was the king who had a dream of a statue made of different metals?
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar.
48. Who was the prophet who was thrown into a fiery furnace but was not harmed?
Answer: This is a trick question. It was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, not a prophet.
49. Who was the man who wrestled with an angel?
Answer: Jacob.
50. Who was the king who was known for his wisdom and wrote many proverbs?
Answer: Solomon.
New Testament Characters
1. Who was the mother of Jesus?
Answer: Mary.
2. Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River?
Answer: John the Baptist.
3. Which disciple denied Jesus three times?
Answer: Peter.
4. Who was the tax collector who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
Answer: Zacchaeus.
5. Who was known as the doubting disciple?
Answer: Thomas.
6. Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver?
Answer: Judas Iscariot.
7. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death?
Answer: Pontius Pilate.
8. Who was Jesus’ cousin, born to Elizabeth?
Answer: John the Baptist.
9. Which apostle was a physician?
Answer: Luke.
10. Who took care of Mary after Jesus died?
Answer: John, the disciple.
11. Who was the first Christian martyr?
Answer: Stephen.
12. Who replaced Judas as the twelfth apostle?
Answer: Matthias.
13. Who was known as the apostle to the Gentiles?
Answer: Paul.
14. Who wrote the book of Revelation?
Answer: John.
15. Who was the disciple known for his zeal?
Answer: Simon the Zealot.
16. Who was the first apostle to recognize Jesus as the Christ?
Answer: Peter.
17. Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Answer: John.
18. Who was the woman who met Jesus at a well in Samaria?
Answer: The Samaritan woman (not named in the Bible).
19. Who was the ruler of Judea who ordered the killing of male infants in Bethlehem?
Answer: King Herod.
20. Who was the apostle who was a tax collector before following Jesus?
Answer: Matthew.
21. Who was struck blind on the road to Damascus?
Answer: Saul, who later became Paul.
22. Who was the young man who fell asleep and fell out of a window while Paul was preaching?
Answer: Eutychus.
23. Who was the centurion who became a believer after witnessing the crucifixion?
Answer: The unnamed centurion, often referred to as the Roman centurion.
24. Who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem?
Answer: James, the brother of Jesus.
25. Who were the parents of John the Baptist?
Answer: Zechariah and Elizabeth.
26. Who was the woman who poured perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair?
Answer: Mary of Bethany.
27. Who were the two sisters of Lazarus?
Answer: Mary and Martha.
28. Who was the disciple that walked on water with Jesus?
Answer: Peter.
29. Who was the woman caught in adultery and brought to Jesus?
Answer: She is not named in the Bible.
30. Who was the Roman centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant?
Answer: The centurion in Capernaum (not named in the Bible).
31. Who was the disciple that Jesus asked three times if he loved Him?
Answer: Peter.
32. Who was the man who helped Jesus carry the cross?
Answer: Simon of Cyrene.
33. Who was the apostle that was a fisherman before he followed Jesus?
Answer: Peter.
34. Who was the Pharisee who came to Jesus at night to ask Him questions?
Answer: Nicodemus.
35. Who was the high priest who presided over Jesus’ trial?
Answer: Caiaphas.
36. Who was the apostle known for his strong faith?
Answer: James, the brother of John.
37. Who was the woman who was healed by touching Jesus’ cloak?
Answer: The woman with the issue of blood (not named in the Bible).
38. Who was the man born blind that Jesus healed?
Answer: He is not named in the Bible.
39. Who was the tax collector who hosted Jesus in his house?
Answer: Zacchaeus.
40. Who was the disciple who asked Jesus to show them the Father?
Answer: Philip.
41. Who was the young man who went to Heaven and came back in the book of Revelation?
Answer: John.
42. Who was the ruler of the synagogue whose daughter was raised by Jesus?
Answer: Jairus.
43. Who was the apostle who wrote the majority of the New Testament letters?
Answer: Paul.
44. Who was the woman who laughed when she heard she would have a child in her old age?
Answer: Sarah, but she is from the Old Testament.
45. Who were the two disciples who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus?
Answer: Cleopas and another disciple not named.
46. Who was the woman who was a follower of Jesus and witnessed His crucifixion and resurrection?
Answer: Mary Magdalene.
47. Who was the Roman soldier who guarded Paul during his house arrest?
Answer: The Bible does not specify his name.
48. Who was the tanner who hosted Peter in Joppa?
Answer: Simon the Tanner.
49. Who was the apostle known for his impulsive actions and speeches?
Answer: Peter.
50. Who was the apostle who was beheaded by King Herod?
Answer: James, the brother of John.
Bible Stories
1. What did God create on the first day?
Answer: Light.
2. Who were the first two people in the Bible?
Answer: Adam and Eve.
3. What was the sign of the covenant between Noah and God?
Answer: A rainbow.
4. Who was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac?
Answer: Abraham.
5. Who had a dream about a ladder reaching to heaven?
Answer: Jacob.
6. Who saved her people by bravely approaching the king?
Answer: Esther.
7. What did Joseph's brothers sell him for?
Answer: Twenty pieces of silver.
8. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Answer: Moses.
9. What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?
Answer: The Ten Commandments.
10. Who fought and defeated Goliath?
Answer: David.
11. What did Solomon ask God to give him?
Answer: Wisdom.
12. Who was thrown into a lion's den but not harmed?
Answer: Daniel.
13. Who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem?
Answer: Nehemiah.
14. Who became queen of Persia and saved her people?
Answer: Esther.
15. Who was swallowed by a great fish?
Answer: Jonah.
16. Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
Answer: Samson.
17. Who was turned into a pillar of salt?
Answer: Lot's wife.
18. What did Jesus turn into wine?
Answer: Water.
19. Who baptized Jesus?
Answer: John the Baptist.
20. What did Jesus feed 5,000 people with?
Answer: Five loaves of bread and two fish.
21. On what body of water did Jesus walk?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee.
22. Who denied Jesus three times?
Answer: Peter.
23. Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
Answer: Judas Iscariot.
24. Where was Jesus crucified?
Answer: Golgotha.
25. Who found Jesus' empty tomb?
Answer: Mary Magdalene.
26. Who helped Jesus carry the cross?
Answer: Simon of Cyrene.
27. What did Jesus do at the Last Supper?
Answer: Instituted the Eucharist.
28. Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection?
Answer: Mary Magdalene.
29. Who was the first martyr of Christianity?
Answer: Stephen.
30. Who converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus?
Answer: Saul (Paul).
31. Who was the disciple known for doubting Jesus' resurrection?
Answer: Thomas.
32. Who was the tax collector who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
Answer: Zacchaeus.
33. Who were the first disciples called to follow Jesus?
Answer: Peter and Andrew.
34. Who are the parents of John the Baptist?
Answer: Zechariah and Elizabeth.
35. What did Jesus do at the wedding in Cana?
Answer: Turned water into wine.
36. What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
Answer: A donkey.
37. Who cut off the ear of the high priest's servant?
Answer: Peter.
38. How many days was Jesus in the tomb?
Answer: Three days.
39. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death?
Answer: Pontius Pilate.
40. What did the wise men bring as gifts to Jesus?
Answer: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
41. Where was Jesus born?
Answer: Bethlehem.
42. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: "Jesus wept." (John 11:35).
43. Who is known as the 'weeper' in the Bible?
Answer: Jeremiah.
44. Who was the prophet that confronted King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?
Answer: Elijah.
45. What did God use to guide the Israelites through the desert?
Answer: A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
46. Who interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
Answer: Daniel.
47. What river was Jesus baptized in?
Answer: The Jordan River.
48. Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Answer: John.
49. What were the plagues that God sent to Egypt?
Answer: Blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of the firstborn.
50. Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul.
Bible Locations
1. Where was Jesus born?
Answer: Bethlehem.
2. Where did Jesus grow up?
Answer: Nazareth.
3. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Mount Sinai.
4. Where was Jesus crucified?
Answer: Golgotha.
5. Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
Answer: Cana, at a wedding.
6. Where did the Israelites cross into the Promised Land?
Answer: The Jordan River.
7. Where did Jonah try to sail to instead of Nineveh?
Answer: Tarshish.
8. Where was Paul on the road to when he was converted?
Answer: Damascus.
9. Where did Elijah have a contest with the prophets of Baal?
Answer: Mount Carmel.
10. Where did the Tower of Babel stand?
Answer: In the land of Shinar (Babylonia).
11. Where was the Garden of Eden located?
Answer: The exact location is not known; it's described as being in the east.
12. Where did Jacob dream of a ladder reaching to heaven?
Answer: Bethel.
13. Where was John the Baptist preaching when Jesus came to him?
Answer: The wilderness of Judea, near the Jordan River.
14. Where did Jesus walk on water?
Answer: Sea of Galilee.
15. Where did the Israelites wander for 40 years?
Answer: The desert.
16. Where was the Apostle Paul born?
Answer: Tarsus.
17. Where was King David's capital city?
Answer: Jerusalem.
18. Where did Jesus meet the Samaritan woman?
Answer: The well at Sychar.
19. Where was Saul heading when he was blinded by a light from heaven?
Answer: Damascus.
20. Where did Solomon build the temple?
Answer: Jerusalem.
21. Where did Abraham live before God called him?
Answer: Ur of the Chaldeans.
22. Where did the Holy Family flee to escape King Herod?
Answer: Egypt.
23. Where did Jesus ascend into heaven?
Answer: The Mount of Olives.
24. Where did Jesus restore Peter after his resurrection?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee.
25. Where was the Ark of the Covenant kept?
Answer: Initially in Shiloh, then in Jerusalem.
26. Where did Ruth and Naomi return to from Moab?
Answer: Bethlehem.
27. Where did the battle between David and Goliath take place?
Answer: The Valley of Elah.
28. Where did Jesus heal a man of leprosy?
Answer: Galilee.
29. Where was Daniel when he interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream?
Answer: Babylon.
30. Where did Jesus feed 5,000 people?
Answer: Near the Sea of Galilee.
31. Where was Jonah heading when he was thrown overboard?
Answer: To Tarshish.
32. Where did the angel Gabriel visit Mary?
Answer: Nazareth.
33. Where did the Last Supper take place?
Answer: Jerusalem.
34. Where was the apostle John exiled?
Answer: The island of Patmos.
35. Where did Jesus heal ten lepers?
Answer: Between Samaria and Galilee.
36. Where did the Israelites defeat Jericho?
Answer: In the land of Canaan.
37. Where did Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery?
Answer: Dothan.
38. Where did Jesus calm a storm?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee.
39. Where was Samson from?
Answer: Zorah.
40. Where did Jesus heal a paralyzed man lowered through the roof?
Answer: Capernaum.
41. Where was the prophet Elijah taken up to heaven?
Answer: Near the Jordan River.
42. Where did Jesus tell the parable of the Good Samaritan?
Answer: On the road to Jericho.
43. Where was Timothy from?
Answer: Lystra.
44. Where did Jesus heal a blind man by putting mud on his eyes?
Answer: Jerusalem.
45. Where did the angel appear to the shepherds?
Answer: Near Bethlehem.
46. Where did Jesus curse the fig tree?
Answer: On the road from Bethany to Jerusalem.
47. Where did Mary and Martha live?
Answer: Bethany.
48. Where did Jesus teach the Sermon on the Mount?
Answer: On a hill near the Sea of Galilee.
49. Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
Answer: Cana.
50. Where did the Apostle Peter have a vision about clean and unclean animals?
Answer: Joppa.
General Bible Knowledge
1. How many books are in the Bible?
Answer: 66.
2. Who were the first two people?
Answer: Adam and Eve.
3. What is the last book of the Bible?
Answer: Revelation.
4. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Answer: Moses.
5. What are the first four books of the New Testament called?
Answer: The Gospels.
6. Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
Answer: Samson.
7. Who was thrown into a den of lions?
Answer: Daniel.
8. What did God create on the first day?
Answer: Light.
9. Who wrote many of the Psalms?
Answer: David.
10. What did Jesus turn into wine?
Answer: Water.
11. Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul.
12. What sea did Moses part?
Answer: The Red Sea.
13. Who was the wisest king in the Bible?
Answer: Solomon.
14. How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
Answer: Ten.
15. Who was the apostle that betrayed Jesus?
Answer: Judas Iscariot.
16. What did the dove bring back to Noah?
Answer: An olive branch.
17. What is the longest book in the Bible?
Answer: Psalms.
18. Who are the parents of Cain and Abel?
Answer: Adam and Eve.
19. Who was swallowed by a whale?
Answer: Jonah.
20. On what day did Jesus rise from the dead?
Answer: The third day (Easter Sunday).
21. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death?
Answer: Pontius Pilate.
22. Where did Jesus grow up after returning from Egypt?
Answer: Nazareth.
23. What did God use to show Noah that He would never flood the earth again?
Answer: A rainbow.
24. Who were the first disciples Jesus called?
Answer: Peter and Andrew.
25. What was the first thing Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount?
Answer: "Blessed are the poor in spirit.".
26. What language was most of the New Testament originally written in?
Answer: Greek.
27. Who was the disciple known for doubting Jesus' resurrection until he saw Jesus with his own eyes?
Answer: Thomas.
28. What did Jesus feed to over 5,000 people?
Answer: Five loaves and two fish.
29. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
Answer: 3 John.
30. Who is considered the author of the Book of Revelation?
Answer: John the Apostle.
31. How many days did God create the world in?
Answer: Six days, resting on the seventh.
32. What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on?
Answer: A donkey.
33. What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?
Answer: The Garden of Eden.
34. Who was Abraham's first son?
Answer: Ishmael.
35. How many spies did Moses send to explore Canaan?
Answer: Twelve.
36. What river was Jesus baptized in?
Answer: The Jordan River.
37. Who was the prophet that confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?
Answer: Nathan.
38. What was the first miracle of Jesus?
Answer: Turning water into wine at Cana.
39. How many commandments did God give to Moses?
Answer: Ten.
40. Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
Answer: Elizabeth.
41. What book comes after the four Gospels in the New Testament?
Answer: Acts.
42. Who was the first martyr in the Bible?
Answer: Stephen.
43. What is the fifth book of the Bible?
Answer: Deuteronomy.
44. Who was Isaac's wife?
Answer: Rebekah.
45. Which book tells about the birth of Jesus?
Answer: Matthew and Luke.
46. Who are the four major prophets in the Old Testament?
Answer: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
47. What does the word "gospel" mean?
Answer: Good news.
48. Who was Paul's famous Christian convert in Acts 16?
Answer: Lydia.
49. What did Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment?
Answer: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.".
50. What is the symbol of peace often associated with Noah's ark?
Answer: A dove.
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