Bible Words Starting with G
1 year ago · Updated 2 weeks ago
Welcome back to our exciting series, "Bible Words from A to Z"! We’re exploring the Bible one letter at a time, uncovering amazing words, stories, and lessons that teach us about God’s love. Today, we’re diving into the letter G—filled with God’s grace, giant-sized adventures, and gospel truth!
Get ready to discover 10 Bible words starting with G—each one comes with a story, a lesson, and a fun activity to help you remember it! From Grace, God’s free gift of love, to Goliath, the giant David defeated, these words will help you grow closer to God. Let’s begin!
Quiz of the Day
Who was Jacob's mother?
How did the city that Jonah was sent to react to God's message of destruction?
What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana?
How were the Thessalonians told to pray?
What is the first line of the Lord's Prayer?
Your Score: /5
- Bible Words Starting with G for Kids
- 1. Grace: God’s Free Gift
- 2. God: Our Creator and King
- 3. Gospel: The Good News
- 4. Gideon: The Unlikely Hero
- 5. Good Samaritan: Loving Your Neighbor
- 6. Gentiles: Everyone is Welcome
- 7. Golden Rule: Treat Others Well
- 8. Goliath: The Giant Challenge
- 9. Garden of Gethsemane: Jesus’ Prayer of Obedience
- 10. Generosity: Giving Like God
- "Did You Know?" Fun Facts
- "What Would You Do?" Scenarios
- Fun Activities
- Bonus Table: More Bible Words Starting with G
- What’s Next?
Bible Words Starting with G for Kids
1. Grace: God’s Free Gift
Bible Verse: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." – Ephesians 2:8
Grace means getting blessings we don’t deserve. God showed us grace by sending Jesus to save us, even though we sin.
The Story of the Prodigal Son
A father forgave his son who wasted his money and welcomed him home with a feast. This shows God’s grace to us!
Fun Fact: The word “grace” appears 170 times in the Bible!
Discussion Questions:
- How has someone shown you grace?
- How can you show grace to others?
2. God: Our Creator and King
Bible Verse: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." – Genesis 1:1
God is the all-powerful Creator who made everything and loves us deeply.
The Story of Creation
In six days, God made light, oceans, animals, and humans. He called it all “very good”!
Fun Fact: God has over 200 names in the Bible, like “Jehovah Jireh” (God Provides) and “El Shaddai” (God Almighty).
Discussion Questions:
- When God visits you, what would you ask from Him?
- How does knowing God is your Creator make you feel?
3. Gospel: The Good News
Bible Verse: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." – John 3:16
The Gospel is the good news that Jesus died for our sins and rose again to give us eternal life.
The Story of Jesus’ Resurrection
Jesus died on the cross, but three days later, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death forever!
Fun Fact: “Gospel” means “good news” in Greek!
Discussion Questions:
- How can you share the Gospel with a friend?
- Why is Jesus’ resurrection so important?
4. Gideon: The Unlikely Hero
Bible Verse: "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." – Judges 6:12
Gideon was a scared farmer God chose to lead Israel’s army. With just 300 men, he defeated a huge enemy army!
The Story of Gideon’s Victory
God told Gideon to reduce his army from 32,000 to 300 men to prove He was in control. They won with torches, jars, and trumpets!
Fun Fact: Gideon’s name means “cutter” or “mighty warrior.”
Discussion Questions:
- What makes you feel scared? How can God help?
- Why does God sometimes use small things to do big miracles?
5. Good Samaritan: Loving Your Neighbor
Bible Verse: "Love your neighbor as yourself." – Luke 10:27
A Samaritan man helped a hurt stranger, showing Jesus’ command to love everyone, even enemies.
The Story of the Good Samaritan
Jesus told this parable to teach that our “neighbor” is anyone in need.
Fun Fact: Samaritans and Jews hated each other, but the Samaritan chose kindness anyway!
Discussion Questions:
- Who is a “neighbor” you can help this week?
- Why is it hard to love people who are different from us?
6. Gentiles: Everyone is Welcome
Bible Verse: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." – Galatians 3:28
Gentiles are people who aren’t Jewish. Jesus came to save everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike!
The Story of Peter and Cornelius
God taught Peter that Gentiles could follow Jesus too. Cornelius, a Roman soldier, became one of the first Gentile believers!
Fun Fact: Over half the New Testament letters were written to Gentile churches!
Discussion Questions:
- How can we welcome people who are different from us?
- Why does God love all people equally?
7. Golden Rule: Treat Others Well
Bible Verse: "Do to others as you would have them do to you." – Luke 6:31
The Golden Rule means treating people the way you want to be treated.
The Story of Jesus’ Teaching
Jesus said this rule sums up God’s commandments about loving others.
Fun Fact: The Golden Rule is found in almost every religion, but Jesus taught it first!
Discussion Questions:
- How would you feel if someone shared toys with you?
- What’s one way to practice the Golden Rule today?
8. Goliath: The Giant Challenge
Bible Verse: "The battle is the Lord’s, and He will give all of you into our hands." – 1 Samuel 17:47
Goliath was a 9-foot-tall Philistine warrior David defeated with a sling and stone.
The Story of David and Goliath
David trusted God’s strength, not his own, to beat the giant.
Fun Fact: Goliath’s armor weighed about 125 pounds—as much as a fourth grader!
Discussion Questions:
- What “giant” problem do you need God’s help with?
- How can you connect with God in difficult times?
9. Garden of Gethsemane: Jesus’ Prayer of Obedience
Bible Verse: "Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.’" – Matthew 26:39
The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus prayed the night before He died on the cross. It was here that He chose to obey God’s plan, even though it was incredibly hard.
The Story of Jesus’ Sacrificial Prayer
Jesus knew He would soon be arrested and crucified. He felt deeply sad and even asked God if there was another way to save us. But He trusted His Father and said, “Not My will, but Yours be done.” An angel came to strengthen Him, and Jesus prayed so earnestly that His sweat fell like drops of blood (Luke 22:44).
Fun Fact: “Gethsemane” means “oil press” in Hebrew. Just like olives are crushed to make oil, Jesus was willing to be “crushed” for our sins (Isaiah 53:5).
Discussion Questions:
- What can we learn from Jesus’ prayer?
- How can we follow Christ's footsteps?
10. Generosity: Giving Like God
Bible Verse: "God loves a cheerful giver." – 2 Corinthians 9:7
Generosity means sharing what we have with joy, just as God gives to us.
The Story of the Widow’s Offering
A poor widow gave two small coins—all she had—and Jesus said she gave more than anyone else!
Fun Fact: The word “give” appears over 2,000 times in the Bible!
Discussion Questions:
- What can you share with someone in need?
- Why does God care about how we give, not just what we give?
"Did You Know?" Fun Facts
Wow your friends with these cool Bible truths!
- Grace: The word “grace” appears 170 times in the Bible—God really wants us to know His love is free!
- Goliath: Goliath’s spearhead alone weighed 15 pounds—as heavy as a big watermelon!
- Gentiles: The first Gentile church was in Antioch, where followers were called “Christians” (Acts 11:26).
- Garden of Gethsemane: Olive trees in Gethsemane today are over 2,000 years old—they might have been there when Jesus prayed!
- Golden Rule: Jesus’ Golden Rule is the most quoted verse in the world!
"What Would You Do?" Scenarios
How would YOU live out these Bible words?
- Generosity: Your friend forgot their lunch. Will you share yours?
- Talk about it: How did the widow’s offering inspire you?
- Goliath: You’re scared to try out for the team. How can David’s courage help?
- Try this: Write “The battle is the Lord’s” on your sports bag!
- Good Samaritan: You see someone sitting alone at recess. What will you do?
- Action step: Invite them to play or sit with you!
- Golden Rule: Your sibling borrowed your stuff without asking. How will you respond?
- Idea: Say, “Please ask next time,” and forgive them.
- Grace: Someone bullies you. How can you show grace instead of anger?
- Remember: Jesus forgave those who hurt Him—you can pray for them too!
Fun Activities
- Grace Chain: Write ways God shows grace on paper strips. Link them into a chain!
- Goliath Target Game: Draw Goliath on cardboard and toss “stones” (beanbags) to knock him down.
- Garden Prayer Journal: Decorate a journal to write prayers, like Jesus did in Gethsemane.
- Memory Verse: "Do to others as you would have them do to you." – Luke 6:31
Bonus Table: More Bible Words Starting with G
Bible Word | Meaning | Dictionary Link |
Gabriel | An angel who brought messages to Mary and Daniel. | Learn about Gabriel |
Galatians | A New Testament letter about freedom in Christ. | Learn about Galatians |
Genealogy | A family tree; Jesus’ genealogy is in Matthew 1. | Learn about Genealogy |
Gifts of the Spirit | Abilities God gives believers (1 Corinthians 12:1-11). | Learn about Gifts |
Gomorrah | A city God judged for its sin (Genesis 19). | Learn about Gomorrah |
Gethsemane | The garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest. | Learn about Gethsemane |
Glean | Gathering leftover crops; Ruth gleaned in Boaz’s field. | Learn about Glean |
Glory | God’s greatness and majesty (Psalm 19:1). | Learn about Glory |
Gossip | Harmful talk about others; the Bible warns against it (Proverbs 16:28). | Learn about Gossip |
Guardian | God is called our guardian and protector (Psalm 121:5). | Learn about Guardian |
What’s Next?
Stay tuned for our next article exploring Bible words starting with H! Don’t forget to share your favorite G-word story with a friend!
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