Ezekiel And The Valley of Dry Bones
1 year ago · Updated 1 year ago
In todays story, we will be sharing with you the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones, a Bible story that speaks of hope and renewal amidst despair.
Hey, kids! Have you ever heard about a man named Ezekiel? He was a prophet, which means God gave him special messages to share with people. Ezekiel lived a long time ago when the people of Israel had to leave their homes and live in a place called Babylon. While they were there, they missed their home and sometimes felt sad and hopeless. But God hadn't forgotten about them, and He had a plan.
One day, God gave Ezekiel a vision, a sort of dream while he was wide awake, to show the people that God could make hopeless situations full of hope again. This wasn't just any vision; it was about a valley, but not your regular valley with trees and a river. Nope, it was the "Valley of Dry Bones." Now, let’s dive into the story and see what happened!
See also: 10 Bible Stories about Faith Hope and Love
Quiz of the Day
What did Joseph's brothers do to get rid of him?
What is the last book of the Old Testament?
What did God do on the seventh day, after he had finished creating everything?
Where did Jonah go after being thrown overboard and reaching dry land?
What does the word "gospel" mean?
Your Score: /5
Ezekiel And The Valley of Dry Bones
A Puzzling Vision
God's Spirit took Ezekiel to a wide valley that was full of bones. Can you imagine a whole valley filled with nothing but dry, dusty bones? These bones were very dry - they had been there for a long, long time. God asked Ezekiel, "Son of man, can these bones live?" and Ezekiel responded, "O Lord God, You know." Sometimes, we don't have the answers, just like Ezekiel, but God always does.
Prophesy to the Bones
God gave Ezekiel a special job. He told him to "Prophesy to these bones" and say to them, "Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!" God was asking Ezekiel to speak to the bones as if they could listen, and guess what? When Ezekiel did what God told him, something amazing happened! There was a noise, a rattling sound all over the valley as the bones started to come together, bone to bone, just like a puzzle being put back together.
The Breath of Life
As Ezekiel watched, muscles and skin formed over the bones, but there was still no breath in them. Then, God said to Ezekiel, "Prophesy to the breath" and call it from the four winds to breathe on these who were dead so they would come to life. Ezekiel did as God commanded, and breath entered the bodies, and they came to life and stood on their feet - an entire army!
What Does It All Mean?
God explained to Ezekiel that the bones were like the people of Israel. They felt as if they had no hope and that they were dried up. But God wanted to give them a message: He would open their graves, bring them back to Israel, and put His Spirit in them. They would live again, and they would know that He is the Lord.
God Restores Hope
From this vision, the people of Israel learned that no matter how bad things might seem, God had the power to make them better. He could even bring dry bones to life! They knew that God was promising to bring them back home, to take care of them, and to be their God.
The Valley of Dry Bones Coloring Page
Creating a coloring page for the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones can be a fun and interactive way for kids to engage with the Bible story. Unfortunately, as an AI, I can't create physical coloring pages for you, but here's how you can make one yourself, and some ideas to get started:
How to Make Your Own Valley of Dry Bones Coloring Page:
- Outline the Scene: Start by outlining the scene of a valley with scattered bones on the ground. You can draw the bones in various sizes and shapes to represent different parts of a skeleton.
- Add Details: Include details like a figure of Ezekiel standing in the valley, speaking to the bones. Perhaps, you can also show a gentle wind to represent the breath of life from God.
- Keep it Simple: Remember to keep the lines bold and simple for kids to color in easily, with plenty of space within the lines for applying color.
- Consider Stages: You might want to create a series of coloring pages showing the different stages: the valley of dry bones, the bones coming together, and the fully formed figures standing up.
- Print and Share: Once you've drawn the coloring pages, you can photocopy them or scan and print out several copies for kids to color during a Sunday school class or at home.
Conclusion: Dancing Bones and Beating Hearts
So, kids, the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones teaches us some awesome things. No matter how hard life gets, God can bring hope to us just like He did for those bones. Whenever you feel sad, like there's no hope, remember this story and know that God is with you and can work miracles, even in the toughest times.
And remember to look out for other incredible stories, like lessons from the story of David and Goliath, Noah's Ark, and the Parting of the Red Sea. Each story is a reminder of how amazing God is and the wonderful plans He has for each of us. Keep marching, little toy soldiers, because God's love and hope are always here to bring us to life!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who was Ezekiel in the Bible?
Ezekiel was a prophet who lived during a time when many Israelites were exiled to Babylon. He was known for sharing God's messages through visions and symbolic acts. Ezekiel's role was to remind the Israelites of God's presence and His promises during their time of struggle and to assure them of His future plans for their restoration.
2. What does the Valley of Dry Bones represent?
In Ezekiel's vision, the Valley of Dry Bones represented the people of Israel who were in exile and felt as if they had lost all hope, like they were spiritually dead and disconnected from their homeland. The vision was a metaphor for their despair but also a promise of revival and restoration.
3. How did the dry bones come to life?
The dry bones came to life through a process that involved Ezekiel obeying God's commands. First, Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, telling them to hear the word of the Lord. Then, through the power of God's Spirit, the bones came together, were covered with muscles and skin, and finally were filled with breath, symbolizing the return of life.
4. What can we learn from the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones?
From the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones, we can learn that no matter how hopeless a situation may seem, God has the power to bring hope and restoration. It teaches us about the resurrection, not just of bones but of spirits and communities. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of faith and obedience to God's word.
5. Is the story of Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones relevant to us today?
Absolutely! The story still has meaning for us today as it symbolizes the transformative power of God's Spirit to bring life and hope into our challenging circumstances. It encourages us to trust in God's promises and power, even when all seems lost, and to believe that He can make a way where there seems to be no way.
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