The Brave Little Shepherd

1 month ago · Updated 3 weeks ago


Welcome, dear reader, to a tale of courage, faith, and the quiet strength that comes from trusting in something greater than ourselves. This is the story of David, a young shepherd boy who faced a night that would change his life forever.

It’s a story about fear, hope, and the unseen hand that guides us through the darkest storms. So, settle in, and let me take you to the hills of a land not so different from our own, where the stars shine brightly and the wind whispers secrets to those who listen closely.

See Also: Oliver and the Bubblegum Balloon Ride

Quiz of the Day

Quiz of the Day


What is the only sin that cannot be forgiven?

Who was Jacob's first wife?

What was inscribed above Jesus" cross?

What was noticeable about Jacob's twin brother, Esau, at birth?

What did Ruth do to Boaz while he was sleeping?

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Table of Contents

The Brave Little Shepherd

Chapter 1: The Shepherd’s Call

My name is David, and I’ve been a shepherd for as long as I can remember. My father was a shepherd, and his father before him. It’s not an easy life, but it’s a good one. The hills are my home, and the sheep are my family. Every morning, I wake before the sun rises, grab my staff, and lead the flock to the greenest pastures. Every evening, I count them as they return to the fold, safe and sound.

But tonight was different.

The sky had been strange all day—gray and heavy, like a blanket pulled too tight. The air felt still, too still, as if the world was holding its breath. My father had warned me about storms like this. “David,” he’d say, “when the sky turns dark and the wind stops, trouble isn’t far behind.”

I tried to push his words out of my mind as I guided the sheep back to the fold. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, the first rumble of thunder echoed across the hills. The sheep grew restless, their bleats sharp and anxious. I could feel it too—a tension in the air, a sense that something was coming.

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Chapter 2: The Storm Breaks

The first drops of rain fell just as I reached the fold. I hurried the sheep inside, counting them quickly. One, two, three… all the way to twenty. All accounted for. I let out a sigh of relief and secured the gate behind me.

But the storm wasn’t done with us yet.

The wind picked up, howling through the hills like a wild beast. Rain lashed against the wooden walls of the fold, and the thunder grew louder, closer. The sheep huddled together, their eyes wide with fear. I tried to calm them, humming a tune my mother used to sing, but even my voice trembled.

Then came the lightning.

A brilliant flash lit up the sky, followed by a deafening crack. The sheep bolted, scattering in every direction. My heart raced as I tried to gather them, but the storm was too fierce. The wind tore at my cloak, and the rain blinded me. I stumbled, falling to my knees in the mud.

“Help!” I cried, though I knew no one could hear me over the storm. “Please, help!”

Chapter 3: The Voice in the Wind

It was then that I heard it—a voice, soft but clear, cutting through the chaos.


I froze. The voice wasn’t my father’s, nor was it any of the other shepherds’. It was different, deeper, yet filled with a warmth that made my chest ache.

“David, do not be afraid.”

I looked around, but there was no one there. Just the storm and the sheep and the endless, pounding rain.

“Who’s there?” I called, my voice shaking.

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The voice spoke again, calm and steady. “I am with you, David. Trust me.”

I didn’t understand how or why, but something about those words gave me strength. I stood up, gripping my staff tightly. The storm still raged around me, but I felt… different. Like I wasn’t alone anymore.

Chapter 4: The Search

The sheep were still missing, scattered across the hills. I knew I had to find them, no matter how bad the storm got. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out into the rain.

The wind howled in my ears, and the mud sucked at my boots, but I pressed on. I called out to the sheep, my voice barely audible over the storm. One by one, I found them—huddled under rocks, trapped in thickets, trembling in the shadows. Each time I found one, I felt a little stronger, a little braver.

But there was one sheep still missing—the smallest one, a lamb I called Star because of the white spot on her forehead. She was the youngest of the flock, and the most vulnerable. I couldn’t leave her out here.

Chapter 5: The Cliff’s Edge

I searched for what felt like hours, my clothes soaked and my hands numb from the cold. Just when I was about to give up, I heard a faint bleat.

“Star!” I shouted, following the sound.

The bleat led me to the edge of a steep cliff. My heart sank as I peered over the edge. There she was, stranded on a narrow ledge, her legs trembling as she tried to keep her balance.

“Hold on, Star!” I called, though I had no idea how I was going to reach her.

The storm raged on, the wind threatening to push me over the edge. I knelt down, my mind racing. I couldn’t climb down—the rocks were too slippery, and the ledge was too far. But I couldn’t leave her there either.

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Then I remembered the voice.

“Trust me.”

I closed my eyes and whispered a prayer. “Please, help me save her.”

Chapter 6: The Miracle

When I opened my eyes, the storm seemed to quiet, just for a moment. The wind died down, and the rain lessened. I looked around, and there, lying on the ground nearby, was a long, sturdy vine.

I didn’t question it. I grabbed the vine and tied one end around a large rock, then lowered the other end down to Star. She hesitated at first, but with a little coaxing, she grabbed onto the vine with her teeth.

“That’s it, Star,” I said, pulling her up slowly. “You can do it.”

It wasn’t easy—my arms burned with the effort, and the storm tried its best to knock me off balance—but finally, Star was safe in my arms. I held her close, feeling her heart beat against mine.

Chapter 7: The Calm After the Storm

By the time we made it back to the fold, the storm had passed. The sky was clear, and the stars shone brighter than ever. The sheep were all there, safe and sound, thanks to the voice that had guided me through the night.

I sat down by the fire, Star curled up in my lap, and stared up at the sky. I didn’t know who or what had spoken to me, but I knew one thing for certain: I wasn’t alone.


That night changed me. I still tend to the sheep, still wake before the sun rises and count them as they return to the fold. But now, when the storms come—and they always do—I remember the voice in the wind.

“Do not be afraid. I am with you.”

And I’m not afraid anymore.

The End

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Hi Everyone! I am a father of three beautiful children, and I love to create stories that inspire, teach, and uplift. Writing has always been my passion, a way to weave words into journeys that touch the heart and ignite the imagination. Whether it’s a Biblical tale that brings the Scriptures to life, a motivational story that offers hope, or an educational piece that sparks curiosity, my goal is to inspire people of all ages.

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