The Story of the 12 Tribes of Israel: A Bible Adventure for Kids
12 months ago · Updated 12 months ago
Long ago, in the sun-splashed lands of the Middle East, there lived a remarkable family that would grow into a great nation, known as the Israelites. Their story is an epic adventure filled with faith, courage, and the wonders of God's promises.
Today, children, I'm going to tell you the story of the 12 tribes of Israel, how they came to be, and the extraordinary legacy they carried forward.
Quiz of the Day
Which garden did Jesus go to, to pray in before his arrest?
To whom did Jesus say, "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith"?
What was the writer of the letter asking of Philemon?
What affliction did Hannah suffer from, that allowed Peninnah to provoke her?
Why did Jacob initially send Joseph's brothers into Egypt?
Your Score: /5
The Story of the 12 Tribes of Israel
Once Upon a Time: The Patriarchs
Our story begins with Abraham, a man chosen by God to be the father of many nations. God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and from his lineage came Isaac, and then Jacob.
Jacob, who was later named Israel by God Himself, had twelve sons. Each son would become the head of their own family, and these families would grow into the twelve tribes of Israel.
Introducing the Twelve
Reuben—the eldest, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher—these are the names of Jacob's sons, the ancestors of the tribes.
The Colorful Coat and a Dreamer
One of Jacob's sons, Joseph, was beloved by his father more than any other. Jealousy brewed within the hearts of his brothers, especially when Joseph shared his dreams that seemed to suggest he would one day rule over them. In a fit of rage, they sold him into slavery, but that wasn't the end of Joseph's story. In Egypt, Joseph faced many trials but eventually rose to become a powerful man, second only to Pharaoh. Because of Joseph's wisdom, Egypt, and eventually his family, were saved from a great famine.
A Family Reunited and Grown
Time passed, and famine struck the land. Joseph's brothers traveled to Egypt seeking food, not knowing that the brother they once betrayed was the one they would ask for help. Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, and in a tearful reunion, he forgave them, attributing the events to God's plan for salvation.
Jacob's family settled in Egypt, and there they grew in number and strength. Sadly, after centuries passed, the Israelites became slaves to the Egyptians.
Exodus and a New Beginning
Moses, an Israelite raised in Pharaoh's palace who fled into the wilderness, would be called by God to lead His people out of Egypt. After miraculous plagues and the parting of the Red Sea, the Israelites were free.
They wandered the desert for 40 years, a time when God shaped them into a nation and gave them His laws. Moses carried down from Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments, rules to guide the Israelite’s worship and lives.
Before entering the Promised Land, the twelve tribes were reminded of their covenant with God and the importance of faithfulness.
Entering Canaan
Under the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites conquered Canaan, the land promised to them by God. The twelve tribes each received their portion of land, except for Levi's descendants, who were set apart to serve God as priests.
The Era of Judges and Kings
After Joshua's time, judges rose to lead the Israelites. But the people demanded a king, longing to be like other nations. God granted their wish, and Saul became the first king, followed by David and Solomon. The kingdom flourished, but after Solomon's death, it split in two—Israel in the north and Judah in the south, reflecting two of the tribes.
12 Tribes of Israel and their Responsibilities
The 12 tribes of Israel, descending from the 12 sons of Jacob (who was later named Israel), each had their own roles, territories, and, in some cases, specific responsibilities assigned to them. Here's a brief overview of each tribe and their noted responsibilities or roles:
- Reuben: Jacob's firstborn, from Leah. The tribe of Reuben settled east of the Jordan River. They were expected to be leaders as the firstborn but lost prominence due to an indiscretion by Reuben (Genesis 49:3-4).
- Simeon: Also a son of Leah. Simeon's descendants settled within the territory of Judah because their population was relatively small. The tribe doesn't have a well-documented specific role or responsibility in later texts.
- Levi: The Levites, descendants of Leah's son Levi, were set apart to perform religious duties for the Israelite community. They did not receive a territory like the other tribes but were given specific cities within the territories of other tribes. They were responsible for the Tabernacle and later the Temple's religious services, including acting as priests and assistants.
- Judah: From Leah, the tribe of Judah became the most prominent. King David and his lineage, including Jesus according to the New Testament, were from this tribe. Judah's territory was in the southern part of Canaan, and they were leaders among the tribes.
- Dan: The tribe of Dan, from Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid and Jacob's concubine. They initially received territory near the central coast of Canaan but later moved to the north. Their specific roles are not well-defined beyond the territorial conquests.
- Naphtali: Bilhah's second son for Rachel. Naphtali's descendants settled in the northern part of Israel. The tribe is often mentioned in military contexts but does not have a unique responsibility highlighted in the biblical texts.
- Gad: A son of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid. The Gadites settled east of the Jordan River and were known for their valiant warriors (1 Chronicles 12:8).
- Asher: Zilpah's second son for Leah. Asher's descendants inhabited the coastal region of the western Galilee. The tribe is blessed with agricultural abundance in Jacob's and Moses' blessings.
- Issachar: Leah's fifth son. The tribe of Issachar was known for its wisdom and understanding of the times and seasons, implying a role in leadership and possibly calendar keeping or astronomy.
- Zebulun: Leah's sixth son. Zebulun's territory was in the fertile Galilee region, and they are associated with maritime activities and trade, as suggested in Moses' blessing (Deuteronomy 33:18-19).
- Joseph: Instead of a single tribe, Joseph received a double portion through his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, effectively making each a tribe. The tribes were known for their prominence and leadership in Egypt and later in Canaan. Ephraim, in particular, sometimes represents the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
- Benjamin: The youngest son of Rachel and Jacob. The tribe of Benjamin was noted for its fierce warriors. It was also the tribe of King Saul, the first king of Israel, and was located between Judah and the Northern Kingdom, playing a critical role in the unity of the tribes.
The Levites' distinct role as religious leaders is the most clearly defined in the biblical texts, with other tribes having their responsibilities and roles more implicitly suggested through conquest, settlement, and occasional leadership.
12 Tribes of Israel Chart
Here's an illustrated chart representing the 12 Tribes of Israel, each symbolized by their traditional emblems or symbols. This educational chart is designed to provide a clear and informative overview, suitable for learning about the historical and symbolic significance of each tribe.

Frequently Asked Questions
Did all tribes remain together throughout history?
No, the tribes didn't always stick together. After King Solomon's reign, the kingdom divided into two, Israel and Judah, which consisted of different tribes.
Why were the Levites set apart and given no land?
Levites were given the special role of serving as priests and caring for the tabernacle. God was their inheritance (Numbers 18:20), thus they were not allotted land like the other tribes.
Was Joseph's coat the only reason his brothers sold him?
Joseph's coat was a symbol of his father's favoritism which stirred jealousy. However, it was his dreams suggesting future dominance over his brothers that pushed them to sell him.
Can I still find the tribes today?
The tribes of Israel largely lost their distinct identities after the Assyrian conquest of the northern kingdom and the Babylonian captivity of Judah. However, some groups claim descent from the tribes, like the Jews from the tribe of Judah.
Why did it take 40 years to get to the Promised Land?
The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness as a result of their lack of faith and disobedience. This time gave a new generation the chance to grow in faithfulness to God.
Our journey through the Bible story of the 12 tribes of Israel is a powerful reminder of how God works through families and nations. Each character in this tale teaches us valuable life lessons in faith, forgiveness, and God’s unending love for His people. The next time you gaze up at a star-filled sky, remember Abraham's descendants, the twelve tribes, and think about how you are also part of a much bigger story!
Would you like to learn more Bible stories like this one? Check out other wonderful tales such as Jonah and the Big Fish, or the uplifting account of Queen Esther's Bravery. There's a whole world of adventures waiting for you in the pages of the Bible!
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